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Those positions were filled and then subsequently removed: https://blog.davep.org/2024/03/28/goodbye-textualize.html#go...

Can’t even view the app information in the app store as it’s “not available in your region”. Perhaps the website could be clear about what regions it is available in?

Most welcome. And thanks for alerting me to the oversight.

I've been using a "command palette" in the same app since the mid 90s, on lots of different operating systems, and I've never really found that it's a lazy way to make commands available. Mostly what I want to use is available from a menu, and/or available from keyboard bindings, but if I wish I can also pull up the command palette and run the command directly -- sometimes that's handy if I personally know what the command is called but I can't remember which menu it might be in, or what the key binding is.

Of course, it's not called a "command palette"; normally Emacs calls it `execute-extended-command`, and more commonly people will refer to it as the minibuffer.

But that's just me doing the angry-old-man-yells-about-ancient-useful-UI thing. ;-)

and then embark, the right-click of emacs!

I get that this can be annoying (as someone who maintains code written using Textual, I very much get it), but while we're still 0.x we are making the most of being able to steer in slightly different directions if a more beneficial approach becomes obvious in some area.

We also try really hard to highlight breaking changes when a new release is made.

And, of course, if anything particular is tricky to work around or get working again anyone is welcome to seek some help in GitHub issues, discussions or even on Discord if that's your thing.

I spent most of the 90s writing Clipper code, used to hang out in comp.lang.clipper lots too. Do still sort of miss it.

https://harbour.github.io/ does exist, although it’s a long while since I last played with that.

Clipper, BLINKER and the Brief editor FTW!

I was more of a qedit fan myself (later TSE), but yeah they were good days.

If you want a real blast from that past, there's even still an archived version of The Oasis kicking about: https://harbour.github.io/the-oasis/docs/

It supports normal Markdown links right now. As an Obsidian user I have been thinking wikilinks would be nice to add too. No firm plans but something I’d like to add.

Baca might interest you: https://github.com/wustho/baca

I did add some vim-friendly bindings for switching the navigation panes on the left, but thinking about it not for the main viewer. Feels like an oversight now, good call. I’ll add that to the todo list.

Are you, perhaps, conflating Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? There’s a potential upcoming referendum about the latter, not the former.

I think it's still a thing some people wouldn't like. Like if you had a super-hardline Unionist in Northern Ireland, and you insisted they were Irish (because they are from the island of Ireland) they might get a little upset.

I made a comment elsewhere saying that people shouldn't get upset about getting called "British" if they consider themselves Scottish above all. But likewise I don't think it's smart or considerate to be all "well actually..." about something deeply personal and strongly felt like someone's national identity or gender or anything like that. That's sort of asking for conflict.

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