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Hey HN!

I've spent a short working on a tool to help change public perception of charity, and encourage charity's to be better at being open about their finances and activities.

Right now it just covers the UK market, but I plan to include U.S, EU and Australian charities soon also.

This couldn't come at a better time as I plan to launch something pretty soon on PH. My last launch was a disaster where my post was just, erm, substandard for hours before I realised. Suffice to say it didn't do well.

Sharing this with HN community as obviously it makes no sense to limit it to just Indie Hackers. I asked this question over on the IH forum and it revealed some interesting socially focused projects. I'm keen to discover more "Tech for good" startups/products and learn what the motivations are behind them.

I guess more work could be done around limiting features on a device when outside of a set period. For instance, Data services could be restricted outside of a person's normal working hours. Or if not just data, limiting all features that aren't core to a phone, taking it back to simple calls and text messaging.

I've got an older Nexus, and it noticeably strains whenever there's some sort of network event going on - signing onto wifi, coming within range of known wifi, re-gaining a network connection - I suspect it's all the apps trying to desperately play catch-up ("MUST UPDATE MAPS!")

I wish I had a way to toggle selective-airplane-mode. That is, only the current app gets to know that I'm connected - Slack, Twitter, Google Maps all get to quietly run in the background and do nothing.

Yeah, my Nexus 7 runs well, except for the five minutes after connecting to Wifi.

If you have yours rooted, the Disable Service app can help reduce the problem. I have a bunch disabled with no (visible?) ill effects.

Mine is also a prime numbered Nexus, but it's not 7 :P

Check to see if your phone has a power saving mode that limits the background activity of apps. If you're only concerned with how the foreground app is functioning, then this would probably work perfectly for you.

Also within the settings, you can select what to do with apps that are pushed to the background. It'll be under the developer settings.

The U.K Home Office has put together a pretty neat resource to help with accessibility across the varying needs of web users, they've put together a bunch of posters which clearly outline the Do's and Do not's, all in one handy Github repo https://github.com/UKHomeOffice/posters/tree/master/accessib...

I think Ninantic's main issue with losing users is with not rolling out significant enough updates. There's no real sense of achievement in the game, and so when levels get particularly hard to move on from users lose interest in the game.

The main flaw is the inability to battle other players. The only battles are in the gyms and it becomes boring or too hard (the only gyms around me are protected by kids with way too much time in their hands and their pokemons are too strong for a filthy casual like me).

The same problem exists in Ingress as well if you live in even a moderately populated area. Ninantic's core issue (in my mind) is that the longer their games run, the less approachable they become. They haven't figured out a solution for Ingress, so I'm skeptical that they'll figure out one for Pokemon Go.

Granted, Ingress is a little more "hardcore" in the sense that it's not really focused at a more casual market like the Pokemon franchise generally is.

I couldn't agree more. There's no "end-game" and it's difficult to keep playing without an aim or target to continue achieving more.

It's funny, without PVP the kids must be wondering why any Pokémon other than Dragonite/Lapras/Vaporeon even exists.

It's interesting that a simple themed update can result in a revenue spike, no update to core functionality, just a few tweaks to the interface. It makes me wonder in what other applications an update like this can produce similar results.

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