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For premium, I'm thinking of features like availability alerts, collaboration on lists, hiding watched content, filtering by subtitles and audio, finding your favorite songs and albums ;), showing only your services, data privacy, dark mode, no ads...

We're exploring ways to bridge that gap, as it's a real problem that needs addressing. Thanks for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it!

Thanks! It's not currently supported, but we're looking to add it to our list of services soon.

We're working to improve the platform, and one area of focus will be to support more services.

Noted, thanks for the feedback!

I definitely understand your struggle, which is why I created whereto.stream. We hope to find even more effective ways to help people stream or at least understand how to navigate these and similar obstacles that are preventing them from doing so.

I've seen this request/idea pop up more than a few times now, so I'm jotting it down as one of the features we'll consider implementing sooner rather than later. Thank you for your feedback!

Oh that is definitely on our roadmap and something I've been heavily thinking about. Stay tuned!

I think making it a notification via the app (just like Facebook notification) will be better than email notifications (email notifications would be costly when so so bulky).

cool, please let me know when it’s available!

This is one of our top feature requests and we'll be implementing it very soon. Thanks for your feedback.

To better understand your use case, I'm wondering how you would like to navigate an A-Z list. Is there a specific reason for a full list, or would you rather be able to search and display only content that is available on your service selection?

Personally I like A-Z listings to browse. I don't always know what is available and I don't want to have to depend on someone else to show me a small subset of options based on what they want me to see or even what they think I want to see (recommendations). If I'm paying for a service I want to see all the options that I'm getting in exchange for my money and then I will choose for myself what I want to watch.

An A-Z listing of all titles is something people have been asking Netflix for since day one, but they refuse to provide it. It's partly now because they are embarrassed about the quality/quantity of what they offer. That's not all though. They want to decide what you will watch. They want to be able to promote certain content over other content. This is why you see the same titles over and over again in multiple categories. They don't want their new shows to have to compete for views with all of their older shows so they basically hide most of their catalog behind a search box. It's easier for Netflix when subscribers watch their new/promoted content right away. It makes it faster for them to figure out how audiences like their new content. It helps them maximize ad spending and control/manage social media conversations about their new shows. They have their reasons for inconveniencing us, I just don't care about them.

Every once in a while I'll go into Netflix and search for randomish three letter combinations then scroll through what they have. Eventually, as you keep scrolling, they start ignoring what you searched for and just shove whatever they are promoting in the list. It takes ages, but every time I do it, I never fail to find things I'm interested in but had no idea were on the platform because netflix wouldn't show them to me.

That's very good insight. Thank you for taking the time to provide your input, I really appreciate it. We'll do our best to continuously improve the product, and this is definitely enticing enough to keep track of and consider implementing in the future.

I want to be able to select 'I have Hulu, Netflix, Apple+, Amazon' and get an A-Z list of every movie/series I have access to, and then be able to filter that using tags or categories. I don't ever want to see stuff that I'd have to pay extra for, like Hulu if I decide to pay extra for Showtime, or Amazon if I decide to pay an extra $5 to rent it.

Gotcha, that makes sense! Thanks for providing additional info.

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