The suggestion to change your setting is definitely a good one. If you can find way to change setting which also removes distractions it definitely helps. I find that just grabbing my netbook and going somewhere else to just focus on working really helps me.
The pause and continue buttons are broken for me. If I click on a time other than 25, the pause button breaks. If I use 25, I can pause, but not continue.
Seems like an interesting concept, but at the same time one that has limited use. I could see this having niche use among users that need a server for a match or just want to play for a day with some friends, but in both those cases users have seemingly better options. Serious gamers often have servers to practice on, so they wouldn't be in great need of this service. Casual gamers often prefer to just hop on to a public server instead of configuring their own. Maybe if a group needed a server for an event? But even then LAN servers might be the way to go.
The best use for this would probably be a one-time online event like a 24-hour marathon or something of that sort that unites a group of players rarely, but on a somewhat large and controlled scale. It seems like an interesting idea, but probably not one that will see a lot of use, at least that is my perspective as a gamer.
Thanks for taking the time to write up your thoughts. I think the niche is a bit wider than that - the response from gaming community has been positive so far, so it suggests quite a few people are having this problem.
Wrt 24 hour marathons/planned games, that is something I am planning on targeting more specifically after the beta.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it even though I hope you are wrong ;-)