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Great service at the sweetest cost. Would you consider offering an API to publish and sync "live" notes from Obsidian to Mataroa?

You'd have to ask the developer; I just use Mataroa. Somehow, though, I get that API would push the boundaries of the minimalist philosophy behind the service.

I just signed up and could see that they do provide an API to enable what you are suggesting. Hope this helps.

What inspired the idea? The Tower of Druaga? SAO?

Tl;Dr: steel can break under tension, not enough steel, alternative is carbon nanotubes but they're 2ft max, no material exist to construct a 22,000 miles long ladder to stay in sync with Earth's rotation. Even then, terrorists and natural disasters can be a problem.


So does it bump your chance to practice mock interview questions? I feel it's a waste of time and energy. Or am I wrong to assume some of the brightest people YC accepts have it down pat?

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