It's incorrect to say that Perfect Pitch means you can pick out any of the 12 tones commonly used in western music. It doesn't mean that; that can only come with training.
The core ability with perfect pitch is to remember a note persistent over many months or years. If you know a song well, and you have perfect pitch, you will almost always sing it in the correct pitch. Not within a semitone; within a percent, enough that if you were singing with the recording, you would not be out of tune.
There is overwhelming evidence that this ability is either genetic or acquired at a very early age. It's a difference between people like the way you can fold your tongue or move your thumb. It's innate.
someone with musical training can use this skill to identify the 12 tones of western music, but that's frankly just a party trick built on the core capability.
Here's the concrete example. My son has perfect pitch. I didn't know this until we were watching a Beatles movie, I think A Hard Day's night, and he asked why the instruments Were Out Of Tune. Later I played the record and compared it with the video, and they were off by less than a quarter tone. The Beatles another musicians in the '60s often used very speed to subtly change the tone and tempo and many Beatles Tunes are at a pitch that lies between the standard a 440 12 lb scale
With $400M they can make some buggy app or they can push really hard. It's enough amount that can be used a lot more efficiently. So entirely depends on team and the founders
They see themselves as outside the norm, and often it scares them to death. They crave belonging to the 'normie' tribe, and so strive to rub down their sharp edges.
Guess this is a Shameless plug but I wrote an interesting program over 12 years ago using even then very old three Js which is not quite the metal but much less abstract than today's tools. I'm always amazed when I check it and it's still running
For young people just starting in life, money may be a gating Factor or at least it was when you had to buy vinyl. but as you get older, the resource you most worry about is time. Watching a 2-hour movie that you don't like is 2 hours gone from the rest of your life, which is a greater percentage than it is for young people.
In my early years I was obsessed with music and listen to all different kinds to try to expand my sphere of Appreciation. but now, I worry that I might spend a lot of time and then find that I don't really enjoy that artist, and the investment of time was not worth it.
You people can not be guaranteed that they will reach the 'get older' stage so technically they are risking a larger percentage of their total life to watch a 2 hour movie.
The real answer is obvious though. As an old man cool music doesn't make me cooler. In fact, for an old man listening to 'cool' music might actually make me less cool, and being old I have less time left to recover my coolness quotient. I can't afford to risk listening to new music.
The core ability with perfect pitch is to remember a note persistent over many months or years. If you know a song well, and you have perfect pitch, you will almost always sing it in the correct pitch. Not within a semitone; within a percent, enough that if you were singing with the recording, you would not be out of tune.
There is overwhelming evidence that this ability is either genetic or acquired at a very early age. It's a difference between people like the way you can fold your tongue or move your thumb. It's innate.
someone with musical training can use this skill to identify the 12 tones of western music, but that's frankly just a party trick built on the core capability.
Here's the concrete example. My son has perfect pitch. I didn't know this until we were watching a Beatles movie, I think A Hard Day's night, and he asked why the instruments Were Out Of Tune. Later I played the record and compared it with the video, and they were off by less than a quarter tone. The Beatles another musicians in the '60s often used very speed to subtly change the tone and tempo and many Beatles Tunes are at a pitch that lies between the standard a 440 12 lb scale