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The names are verified, but are also verified to have been spreading misinformation about COVID as well as operating a fairly shady medical supply company capitalizing on that misinformation during COVID as well as other disasters like the East Palestine train derailment.

It's hard to judge misinformation at this point since it is quite clear that the government and mainstream media tried to censor any opposing views and withheld plenty of information that might have helped people make a more informed decision. Today's misinformation, as we have found can turn out to be tomorrow's facts.

Maybe not so hard, as the parent post illustrates. A little judicious checking of sources goes a long way.

Exactly. Misinformation is just a dog whistle for "conflicts with my preconceived notions".

We now know we were lied to again by the people that always lie to us.

- Adding new vendors without regard for ongoing maintenance and compliance work.

- Ill defined requirements.

- Setting something as the highest priority without cutting something else.

- Anything from a biz person who’s burned the engineering team publicly.

Very helpful, so the type of work doesn’t really matter ?

If you can present a reasonably coherent case that something is tied to a targeted business outcome without ethical concerns my team will get it done no matter how unsexy it is.

It’s probably being employed to detect bots, scrapers, and users behind VPNs.

From a technical standpoint there’s probably no value as it would offer no benefit for the insane cost.

From an ethical standpoint probably impossible from the start.

Maybe it’s just me but the things I’ve tried to get ChatGPT (and other related tools) to do has fallen over really fast after you get past the initial toy examples. We’re talking complete inability to resolve introduced errors, grossly insecure APIs, misinterpreting requirements and straight up hallucinating libraries where it couldn’t figure out how to implement something itself.

For light research and rapid prototyping it’s just another tool that augments a human and I think the fundamental underlying technology will not be able to fully resolve those issues until new architectures come out.

All those things you say are true:

1. The toy examples are toys

2. Bad code

3. Hallucinations


My point is people are so caught up in that narrative (because it's true and immediately apparent) that they're not seeing what has really been automated away.

Not all programmers are the same. Some don't do shit. There's the 80/20 rule. But the good programmer know that they leverage their extensive experience in conjunction with search to integrate solutions.

GPT hasn't made the work any less tedious or easier as a whole. In fact, you can do more of it if you're really productive.

People on an assembly line are still working their asses off. That's more of what I'm saying. What should I be saying?

Use the API directly is an option.

Absolutely, it’s a fantastic choice. I’ve found getting started up with it to be much faster than similar React/Vue sites, I can rely on most features being pretty battle tested when they get into Angular, performance improvements continue being implemented and there’s less variability between Angular projects compared to other frameworks. YMMV however depending on teams and projects.

How has it been trying to find Angular devs and online resources (Q&A, etc.?)

I loved AngularJS v1 when it first came out. The Angular 2+ learning curve was high and React seemed to just leapfrog over it and explode in popularity. In the last five years or so, I've only seen one Angular codebase and it was really hard to troubleshoot it due to the lack of easily available "me too" questions online. I haven't heard it discussed at all in a good decade or so now; even if the code is good, it seems like the mindshare is completely gone, at least in my circles?

Great questions. Anecdotally it feels like there’s been an increase in online references, though maybe not comparable to other frameworks. It’s still more than it was.

As for finding developers we haven’t had too many problems. There’s been a good amount of great, startup minded engineers who did angular at big enterprises and want something smaller. Less than react devs by a lot, but overall the quality on average was higher.

The main thing I’d be wary of is the fact that 9-12 months is not a long time in the startup world. Are you sure you’re going to have product-market fit and have a mature enough product to actually sell in that time? There’s a reason why vesting schedules are ~4 years.

What happens when he leaves and suddenly your metrics plateau because he was the only one selling the platform? Is he going to bring in and train a revenue organization in that time too?

Those are great points to consider. What happens afterwards. Thank you

To give more context, we have a product with few paying customers, 1k MMR. We have been building for 1 year now. Far from product market fit. The sales have been a lot slower than expected so far.

I think the comparison to M3 was skipped because the launch event was for the iPad, which only had an M2 model.

Overall consensus is that the M4 range has much better energy/thermals, increased memory bus speed, increase in neural cores for better AI expected to be announced at WWDC.

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