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Or there is large scale number fudging and fraud.

Just remember no one is auditing what views, likes and clicks count Google and Facebook tell you, you are getting. Advertisers just milk corporations. They dont care if the numbers are fake. They are now trained to tell everyone to spend more or you dont get attention someone else will.

As Goldharber once famously said , about the Attention Economy - people have limited attention to give anything but infinite capacity to receive attention.

No one likes to hear or believe they dont really have any influence when the system is signalling they do. So the ponzi scheme grows larger and larger.

There is a great book about it (from an ex-googler) called the Subprime Attention Crisis.

No one knows what to do about it so everyones head is buried deep in the sand.

We need new attention allocation systems that are not market driven.

Advertisers don't always insist on seeing evidence of genuine ROI but online advertising is more measurable than most other forms of ads and when the ROI slips a lot of ads customers notice and act accordingly.

Marketing is fascinating WRT to fraud because everyone benefits from it: the ad space provider, the ad marketplace, and the marketing team who needs to show performance.

I personally think this line of thought is due to people just not accepting how profitable advertising is to the end business. We're taking a clear and massive increase in profits that dwarf advertising costs. People don't advertise on meta/Google because they are duped by bots or some conspiracy between ads marketplace and marketing teams to hide the fraud. They advertise because their bottom line goes up and it's clear and direct. I once worked for a company where the only reason we'd ever drop some amount of advertising was due to supply constraints. We sold too much at certain points! It really does work.

Maybe, but I can't remeber an add I've seen, much less clicked on in the last week. You?

Maybe not. But your brain noticed those brand names and when you need a product in that category they are more likely to come to mind.

It’s actually shocking if you think about products from your childhood which are no longer advertised and have completely dropped out of public consciousness.

Need more data to see the big picture.

The number of people who don't see their bottom line growing, but are spending on ads, getting views is not reported anywhere.

Would also be interesting to see if ad budgets of the largest spenders are increasing with time once market capture is complete.

"Everybody generalizes from one example. Well, at least I do."

Except somebody needs to pay at the end.

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