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>> I used AI agents to send out nearly 1,000 personalized emails to developers with public blogs on GitHub.

> Does this mean that I should private my GitHub-mirror to my personal blog, because this can become a common thing?

Abusing public information on GitHub has become more common. The other day, I received some cryptocurrency spam ads from GitHub. It turns out to be a bot injecting ads as issues on other people's repos and randomly @ing accounts. It deleted such issues immediately, so the net effect is that I get an unfilterable spam email.

Slightly off-topic, but it reminds me of the Tesla restriction around governmental buildings in China last year, citing the same set of reasons (data collection, national security, etc.). It seems that the restriction was lifted recently [1].

[1]: https://www.pcmag.com/news/china-lifts-tesla-restrictions-pa...

If you read the details in some of the "correct" answers[1], they are not actually correct. The model used an assumption that the width is equal to the thickness, which is not given in the problem. The width is cancelled out in the end, so the resulting number is correct, but a math teacher would label such answers wrong.

[1] Text prompt only, run 2; prompt and image, run 3.

Marvin from The Hitchhikers' Guide to Galaxy.

The blog post reminded me of a quote from Jonathan Blow as well. I forgot the exact wording, but basically he said that Rust makes you treat every state of the project to be production ready (e.g. free of memory safety bugs), but in game development, most of the time the project needs not to be production ready, and for a good reason (rapid prototyping). You just have to fix the really bad things (crushing bugs) before shipping.

You see funny little clips, I see more annoying customized ads, which play different lyrics for different people.

Here I was thinking "game with music that talks about your game". Think something like skyrim where you have nords singing ballads based on what you've done, and what your character is named (built with an llm generating lyrics from a json config the game spits out, which is in turn fed into this).

Your version unfortunately sounds much more plausible and profitable.

For me, the best route is to start with Functional Programming in Lean [1]. Get familiar with dependent type theory and Lean's syntax. Then go back to Lean's source code [2].

Lean is self-hosted, so the language is written in Lean. And it's well documented. Starting from the Prelude [3], all the way up to the language server (yes, Lean ships a parser combinator library and a JSON library with the language).

One caveat is that the toolchain version of the repo is the repo itself, so you'd have to follow the development guide [4] to set it up.

Also, this is different from the standard library std4 [5], which is actually not shipped with the language, but just a normal package developed and used as the standard library.

[1]: https://leanprover.github.io/functional_programming_in_lean/

[2]: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4

[3]: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Init/Pre...

[4]: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/doc/dev/inde...

[5]: https://github.com/leanprover/std4

From the student's chat log, he thinks that upon retraction, the supervisor would be so unhappy that

1. His future doctoral program would be hard.

2. It would be impossible to graduate.

3. He would be killed by the supervisor.

It's hard to say how much of these is warranted. He said 3 was concluded from a conversation with his supervisor. However, tragically he thought these are real enough for him that there was no other way than to suicide.

This is only partially true from my experience as a Chinese grew up in Northern China. I think a greater factor is deliberately causing pain or embarrassment.

Like the initiation rites for fraternities or sororities, the pain is the point. The reason behind this is that a commonly shared embarrassing experience creates intimacy and loyalty.

I'm more inclined to accept this theory over others including the one from the article, because it can explain many rules observable in the drinking culture (at least in Northern China).

1. It's rude to reject an invitation to drink together from a person with higher status.

2. When many people drink together, the more you drink, the greater respect you show to others.

3. As a consequence, the person with higher status can choose to drink less than others, or they can choose to drink the same to show greater respect.

4. People with lower status should proactively invite people with higher status to drink, in the order of their status.

Therefore, in a typical drinking party (饭局), the people with lower status usually drink the most, often to the point of being unconscious or causing a scene, and that would show their loyalty.

This was part of the job for government officials and those who work with them. And people could genuinely get pretty sick from alcohol consumption. Death from drinking is not uncommon. There was even a debate on how to divy up the legal punishment to the people at the same table when this occurred. And it's not a theoretical sophistication at all.

Luckily, Xi has banned this as part of his anti-corruption campaign (八项规定, the Eight Rules), so it's less of an issue now.

Furthermore, young people in China have moved passed the drinking culture as well. Back in the university, one can choose whether to drink or not, and when one drinks, any amount to their personal preference is acceptable.

I should add that I don't drink at all, but I was often in a situation where I was supposed to drink and got asked a lot. That's why I sought an explanation for the drinking culture and I suspect that many people who participate in this culture can't explain it explicitly.

That’s a great point that everyone else is overlooking. The comparison is obvious if you have a little experience with frat culture.

(I was never in one, but I went to a college where fraternities are a huge deal, and I never felt comfortable there. I packed my schedule with extra classes to get my degree and get out as soon as I could.)

An interesting point (Dutch interpretation), since it obviously causes the writer of the article to be in pain and embarrassment. Which may also be a secondary point. It self selects for those who are willing to go through the hazing.

Got hit by this. The checks on PR no longer work.

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