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48 bytes which doesn't include the header, which was decided to be 5 bytes because it was "around 10% of the body", making it... 53.

I'd loved to be in the room when those decisions were made. I can almost imagine some arbiter hearing the arguments from both sides, and then, to the horror of everyone, deciding that if they can't agree on a common value, they'll have to meet half-way.

OTOH, skimming the Wikipedia article, it seems to me that overhead in that system was proportional to message length, so perhaps length of 53 bytes was still meaningfully better than 64 bytes.

It's an old story. One side should have renounced their claim rather than live with the abomination, and then the arbiter could have chosen their proposal as the one true packet size. The arbiter's wisdom would have been celebrated for millennia.

3rd party passkey provider support is possible on Android if:

- You are using Android 14

- Your manufacturer has added support for it (e. g. Oppo and OnePlus still haven't)

- If you want to use them in chrome, you need to enable the experimental feature at chrome://flags , search for "passkeys" and enable the feature for 3rd party (for brave just replace "chrome" with "brave"

Even with that, support may still be a bit buggy, such as:

- Chrome displaying the "Google Password Manager" logo instead of your password manager's one

- The app/website not understanding properly how to implement them and sending wrong values / sometimes invalid payloads

But let's hope this technology gains massive adoption, proper support and can help non-technical users benefit from increased security at (almost) no cost.

Disclaimer: work for a Password Manager

Oh, that's good news. I guess I wasn't up to date...

Shameless plug of a tool I wrote for managing multiple git identities:


Credit cards are supported and available already!

Oh, wow. Edited my original post. Thanks for the clarification. I think it wasn't available when I signed up, as far as I could tell, so maybe it was just added recently (or I just completely missed it...)

Shameless plug for "yet another" dotfile manager I'm writing. It doesn't get in the way, and allows you to manage them in quite a flexible way. Templating, conditional linking, copying, custom code execution... You name it!


A few days ago, this utility was published: [1]

After reading the comments and seeing multiple alternatives, I tried to Rewrite it in Rust. In comparison with the original, this one does not depend on Yarn/JS and can be used by downloading a single binary. [1]https://github.com/geongeorge/Git-User-Switch

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