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What are these people going to do in 25 years when none of these predictions come true? Who will be held accountable for this?

No one because it's a random offhand comment that will be forgotten. Bitcoin mining would obviously transition to use renewables (it mostly does as it is, cheap hydro is what most large scale operations are using), and no one will care.

Why don't we see articles like this for more important bigger problems like plastic waste that won't be solved by renewable energy? Because making random claims about bitcoin STILL somehow gets clicks. And to the top of HN.

Can you expand on this? What makes you sure these predictions won't come true?

This is true, I’ve recieved a number of offers in finance that were good but underwhelming.

I’m increasingly seeing hn used as a marketing platform.

It's always been a marketing platform in one way or another. People are just being less classy with it.

Fast.ai marketing in every single ml article

Can you please stop posting this? If you'd please stop posting unsubstantive and/or uncivil comments generally, we'd appreciate it.


From https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html : "Please don't impute astroturfing or shillage. That degrades discussion and is usually mistaken. If you're worried about it, email us and we'll look at the data."

The OP is about the exact platform that the software I linked to uses. The OP even links to the exact announcement that I linked to. It is about the first launch of software that's been under development for 2 years.

This seems like an entirely appropriate and relevant HN comment.

I have a sibling who’s in and out of the mental hospital. It’s easy to show support in the early days, but ten years in when they still have psychotic breaks and most around them have given up is when the real test starts. Glad to hear your story and wish you the best. For myself I’ve vowed to never forget the person who was there before the illness. You still see the glimpses here and there

I also have a sibling like that. But there's no ifs or buts, when the situation gets worse, off to the institution you go until you get back to normal. At first, you cry and sob, it's hard seeing them strapped to a bed. But tough love is the best love, when everything else fails. Now he is on injections and there is no more horsing around about taking or not taking pills.

You probably can’t. Best you can do is eat really well, exercise, and meditate.

Is it a commodity? Why is such a premium placed on senior engineers then?

This is because delta doesn’t want southwest’s ad to show up when people search for delta

How about I run it for you give you a big percentage of the profit?

How many ground breaking innovations has China had? How many has the west had? Case in point, copying is not productive in the long run.

This is a tired and myopic dismissal and we can't learn anything from it. Could you please increase the level of substance in your posts?


People said that about Japan 40 years, they said that about Korea 20 years ago, and it's already becoming irrelevant about China today. Yes, they caught up by copying, like everyone else did (including the USA).

There are now entire product categories which come out of China and no-where else. Drones. Camera gymbals. Personal electric scooters. Heck, their entire system of government could be called "innovative" - certainly no-one else has ever tried that before.

Give it 20 years and it'll be onto the next developing country which is copying to catch up, and China will be amongst the lead innovators - if not, as I suspect, the easy winner.

>Heck, their entire system of government could be called "innovative" - certainly no-one else has ever tried that before.

Authoritarian one-party rule with a strongman at the top is nothing new, they just have newer tools to enforce it.

Every shelf at your local store filled with imports from that one-party state is pretty new in my book. And "strongman"? What are you basing that on? Saddam Hussein was a "strongman". Xi Jinping is unusually powerful for the president of the CCP, sure, but he still needs to be re-elected in 2022.

Or of the United States in the early 19th century. The 1851 Crystal Palace exposition was quite a shock.

Care to expand on that? Why was the 1851 Expo a shock?

Because the US was considered a backwater at the time by Europe, Britain particularly.

Merrit Roe Smith, STS.050, MIT


Steam engine?

Gun powder?


Movable type?

Clocks, compass, alcohol and on and on.

Really this is a 'What did the Romans ever do for us?' type of question.

How many ground breaking innovations has China had?

Quite an impressive number. Enough to fill over 27 volumes in a project spanning nearly 70 years: Joseph Needham's epic Science and Civilisation in China.


The point isn't that the west hasn't copied things. The point is that the west puts emphasis on originality and "innovation" and downplays the value of copying.

Learn to do it right (copy), then figure out how to do it better (innovate).

That’s the point: what makes “innovation” so good and noble, and duplication so bad? Why is originality the measuring stick?

I happen to think an inexpensive copy of a useful product is far better than a newly invented product that’s expensive or less useful.

Example: Cheap generic drugs vs expensive patented name brands.

Exactly. The obsession with "innovation" is how you get feature creep. You can improve something by copying it and figuring out how to do it easier/cheaper/quicker.

As @jacquesm noted, you kind of picked the wrong target there.

But to get to the root of your argument: accepting copying as normal does not mean "no innovation", but "different innovation". Does that mean ground-breaking stuff would pop up noticeably less often? Possibly. But it's also likely that once released these products would iteratively reach a higher level of quality than what we have now (I cannot equate "learning from the masters" with the existence of Windows 8 or Gnome 3, for example). Different paths, but headed the same way.

For most of human history, China was the most advanced civilization in the world.

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