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Pandoc does this very well.

I can empathize. I recently tried to cancel Adobe Indesign. Every human stuck to the same script despite me stating 'no' up front after the first time it offered. They would confirm my intention, then when I stepped away they would cancel the chat because I was 'away' and did not double confirm that I wanted to cancel. That happened to me twice. By the third time, the sandbag was - 'You signed up for a yearly subscription, if you don't take those two free months, you will incur a early cancellation fee.' I never signed up for a yearly subscription and told them 'not accepting that'. As a gesture of 'goodwill' they waived it.

I could not understand all the Adobe hate before, but they made a neutral person negative with that experience.

You're cramming an analogy into your point. Systems like economy and people dont fit into an electrical diagram.

Am I? I don’t think so. Please describe for me a situation where the simple possession of money, absent any potential for that money to flow, causes work to happen.

If you can, you’ve described nothing less than perpetual motion.

The simple possession of money by a hungry person causes that money to flow by encouraging the person to spend the money on food. That causes work to happen at the food producers. Maybe even so much more work that they're willing to hire additional hungry people to do that work.

No question. Thanks for thinking of 27B.

Not a huge fan, but their the source of my favorite song about nuclear war, if that were even a genre -


'Samesies' is a viable corpo strategy, right?

Asked what the proper dough-weight for garlic knots:

Open AI: 2 ounces Bard: 2 pounds

Not impressed with Bard at all.

Well this is garbage.

Do you have any more details about how you integrated Pandoc into your pipeline? A post or something?

Sure thing, it's pretty simple and straightforward I can post right here. In your CI/CD runner, you add a "before" script like so (Gitlab YAML example):

    image: debian:latest

        - bash myscript.sh
Your myscript.sh can be as simple as four lines (one to install curl, it's not a default on Debian), example:

    apt-get -y install curl
    VERSION=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/jgm/pandoc/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")')
    curl -sLo "pandoc-${VERSION}-1-amd64.deb" "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/${VERSION}/pandoc-${VERSION}-1-amd64.deb"
    apt-get -y install "./pandoc-${VERSION}-1-amd64.deb"
The Github API used above has the nice default of listing the latest release as you see used there in the grep on the right, one could enhance that with `jq` for higher intelligence but this very simple setup is functional as a starting point to develop your own style.

Question: How do you manage multiple container types (VMWare, Docker) from a single interface? Am I dreaming?

I'm intending on setting up a R Pi 4 as a container for a few smaller projects. Am I shooting myself in the face by using Pi?

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