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For the ones looking for a minimal and conservative binary format, there is BARE [1]. It is in the process of standardization.

[1] https://baremessages.org/

Why would one use BARE over the handful of more well known serialization libraries at this point? For example, what makes it stand out over protobuf? It's not jumping out to me.

I don't understand why users of branded types use strings as brands. Also using a utility type makes unreadable the TypeScript errors related to this type.

If I had to use branded types, I personally would prefer a different approach:

  declare const USER_BRAND: unique symbol
  type User = { name: string, [USER_BRAND]: undefined }
This also allows subtyping:

  declare const PERSON_BRAND: unique symbol
  type Person = { name: string, age: number, [USER_BRAND]: undefined, [PERSON_BRAND]: undefined }

Although this is sometimes convenient, I always find branded types too clever. I would prefer a dedicated syntax for nominal types. I made my own proposal: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/202#issuecomm...

iirc this is why the hungarian notation existed. They had ints for columns and rows and they used a prefix on variable names to distinguish which ints were columns and which ints were rows. Though I may be misremembering.

proc_macros are so terrible and propagate attributes everywhere. It would be so much easier to write derive macros with reflection support. This would also avoid fragile code generation in some cases.

Proc macros in Rust are objectively bad in a number of ways (limited to only dealing with tokens/no type system access, hard for newcomers to grasp and write, force a lot of attributes to be written to annotate specific items, etc.) but they exemplify "worse is better" perfectly. They are incredibly powerful and allow people to build amazing abstractions that are in some cases best in class. We want to have something better, but there isn't a pressing need to rush a replacement.

Main features:

- Migrate from ESLint with one command `biome migrate eslint`

- Migrate from Prettier with one command `biome migrate prettier`

- Experimental machine-readable reporters

- New `--staged` CLI option to format and lint `git` staged files

- New lint rules and many fixes!

We are only human and thus mostly ignorant. We keep surfing between solutions, claiming that one is better than the other and realizing the problem of our preferred solution and moving on to another or even the previous one. As a community this creates trends. Because we have separate communities, we can even see repeated trends under different names.

Just use/buy an "old" phone with a jack? It is easy to find used phones (2021 or earlier) with headphone jacks. I have a 2017 phone and plan to upgrade to a 2020 phone.

That makes a lot of sense until you realize those are no longer made and are not updated with security fixes, in many cases.

It makes very little sense to buy a network-connected device which can’t be updated. And if you say “put Linux on it” it could be argued that you don’t know what tools like phones are for.

I only buy phones with great support for LineageOS [0], which is basically the open source version of Android with some adaptations... Even if I bought a 2024 phone, I would install LineageOS to make sure there are no backdoors on my phone.

[0] https://lineageos.org/

Aren't the backdoors gonna be in the baseband firmware that no phone allows you to modify?

I always felt that we basically "lost" with open source: Intel did the Management Engine and phones stuck everything in the baseband.

There's no real possibility of having fully software-hackable hardware. Someone else ultimately has control of all hardware, if they want to exercise that control.

well, what are they for? and why is saying "put linux on it" misdirected?

Running all sort of apps that wouldn't exist native on Linux (banking, whatsapp, ...) or whose equivalents although better and safer on Linux aren't compatible with what the mass uses. I finally settled with a phone (Nokia 8110 4G) that does just the phone, the hotspot and the occasional low quality photo, then a Thinkpad for serious stuff, and don't miss at all a smartphone. But I have no use for social media etc. most people mileage will vary. Actually I would be interested in Graphene OS, but it only supports devices that are either too old or too costly for a mere curiosity, therefore I will wait.

As someone writing this on a pinephone the primary issue with the statement is the lack of context. You 'put linux on it' and get OSS, and control of your own device. But most of the time lose 90% access to the abilities of ios/android installs... I can sudo pacman -S dub & ldc2 + fav editor of the week. But had to spend hours getting an android emulator working to sign up to use the telegram install that came with most/all of the distros I've tried!

TLDR: you get a pocket laptop instead of a phone, despite owning a "phone"

> TLDR: you get a pocket laptop instead of a phone, despite owning a "phone"

Yes, exactly, thank you. You get a project that never ends instead of a useful tool. Maybe that’s what you want, and that’s fine if so, but that’s not what I want.

A bad pocket laptop at that.

I mean, all the power to you if you use it as a daily driver, but I also own one and it’s just a toy, it is so slow.

Pretty much all Motorola phones still have a headphone jack

I just looked at all the Moto phones being sold by Lenovo and none of the mid-upper range phones have audio jacks.

I am one of the main maintainers and contributors of Biome [0], a formatter and linter for the web. It is great to see that so many users are enthusiastic about Biome. It is really gratifying to work on a project that is appreciated and useful to the community.

[0] https://biomejs.dev/

Main features:

- Partial support for Astro, Svelte and Vue files

- Resolution of configuration files from Node.js dependencies

- The Formatter has new options

- biome.jsonc support

- New lint rules

And plenty of fixes.

Did you try both Prosemirror and Lexical? I am curious to read some comparisons between these two editors.

Yes I did, but it was 3+ years ago and I don't recall the details, but the data representation was elegant for Lexical.

Is a git backend planned?

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