If you are interested in seeing what the depth of the game is and you are on desktop, unlock the hydraulic press by holding "enter" after clicking on the "click" button for easy currency, then after unlocking, do the same by clicking on the +1,000 simulation redemption (holding enter afterward) once you go through one hydraulic press animation. You will gain 100,000 simulation a second!
Cookie Clicker got me into programming back in the day! Super simple structure (back then) and fun way to experiment with coding in an interactive way with visual feedback.
This is actually the premise of an episode of Black Mirror in Season 6 called “Joan is Awful”. Shows an interesting dark take on the negatives that could potentially arise from this - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Is_Awful
And TikTok too. I used to frequent RepLadies just for the incredible review quality some years back that users were writing. Incredible pictures, auth vs replica comparisons, and total detailing of every step of the order/shipping process with a dated timeline.
Ironically it felt like the “Hermes” of the replica community because of its level of quality - such a shame it’s no longer, and the child subreddits that popped up to “replace it” just aren’t the same.
Yes, the moderators there did a great job of enforcing a culture and a standard of review of the products. They also had loads of FAQs for all the steps in the process.
I hope that it lives on on a secret discord server or something somewhere. Would be a shame to lose it all.
I still stand by the fact that quitting sugar was the hardest addiction I’ve ever had to overcome - more so than even nicotine. I had to chew doublebubble sugar gum to ween myself off the dependance. Best choice I’ve ever made.
Thanks for putting this into words. Its a very off-putting feeling for me, and couldn’t exactly figure out what that feeling was. It both scares me and excites me in a way that only makes me subconsciously anxious. Time to deep dive before I become what I always feared, which is being technologically left behind.
TIL, thanks for the source! I really liked chakra and used it as influence when writing my own UI library - funny seeing that typo in the readme!
Seems like ‘fannypack’ went to ‘bum-bag’ as its successor. I wonder how much naming has to do with popularity of libraries, and if chakra took off because it was more appealing to larger tech companies. Satirical names never seem to get too big from what I’ve seen.
Seems just like a survivorship/small sample bias to me, I'm sure I've had the thought that it's funny X is used at such and such places with a name like that before.
But such naming is niche, and a new project making it big like that is too. I'm sure it would make for an awkward conversation getting it approved, but ultimately it doesn't really matter does it. Funding/sponsorship on the other hand, I can definitely see it being a consideration.
Fun game, love incrementals.