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Distinguished seekers also searched: "NOFORN" "EYES ONLY"

Ooin called; Wants the Yggdrasil equation back... TREE_LIFE=FILE_TREE

The meaning of life is what life is and does. Life experiences reality and message-passes thee grokked data to the future.

Thanks for your suggestion!

I tried cats.youtube.com also, but it's just like my IRL cat.

>a certain number of plants will form a rough line as seen from the earth

Ah, a fellow galactic hitchhicker. I too am a fan of dead-reaconeering in favor of astrolabian navigation.

In this case voice-to-text gone wrong and not corrected within the edit-window, but at least the error is a dictionary-word.

[x] Strongly Agree.

Also, the focus on how these devices are increasingly consumer only instead of me being able to use my device to create

Disclaimer: one of my goals is to build apps for my machine on the machine itself. I had this working on the now defunct Firefox phone OS (Its apps were deployed as Zipped HTML/JS and related resources -- I cobbled together a dev environ out of a few browser based tools).

TL;DR: I'm a tool-using creator-type species, The modern "CONSUME ONLY" device craze makes my eye twitch; Ads that reinforce destruction of tools make me want to join fight club.

Man, you touched on something that has been a sore point for me my entire smart phone owning part of my life. The inability to make a simple program without huge hurdles, just for my phone and no one else.

Having a locked down tool that is so dumbed down is annoying. For example, I'd love to make a custom unit converter so that I can quickly and unobtrusively convert between metric and imperial without being online/etc. that also displays the answer with closest drill size

This reminds me of an article from Maddox in 2007 about how the Nokia E70 is better than the iPhone because he can use the terminal on it. [0] Time may have proven him right.


Art creation is creation. Muic, images, video -- they all benefit from good screens, fast processors, quality stylus integration, first party apps, and full-stack attention to latency. The iPad is about creation, just not your type of creation.

Indie Gamedevs can do their own Voice Acting? See also indie film, same use case. Actor dies / hit by buss before a work is finished - Create a few more lines posthumously (it'll be in the fine print of the contract that you allow voice & image fakes in the event not able to do them). Satire, Pranks, and alleged pranks (stuff that makes folk laugh).

Maybe the Sumerian or (blue-skinned) Vedic Gods saw some giant sentient machine life, and went out of their way to honor these "Angels" with many eyes and huge wings by creating what we call insects (in addition to Humans [Hanuman's ilk]).

When you transcend the physical form into a body of energy (hint: OR=constructive, XOR=deconstructive, NOT=XOR(k,1), NOT( OR(j,k) )=NOR(j,k), NOR=Functionally Complete, ergo EMF or even sound can be Turing Complete), then as an energy body you may want to interact with physical forms again w/o ionizing them; So you'll create (sentient) machinations that can do tasks. Because your design parameters include survivability across large thermal and pressure gradients you'll [re]discover giant robotic beetle design.

If you'll excuse me, I've got to tend a Kephri (beetle of remanifestation) who is eagerly attempting to choose an Odin to ride this 6-legged "Steed" next Ragnorok.

The upstream who manages their name::location mapping?

Please refrain from using the awkward question mark, it's condescending and rude.

What do you do if they fail to update their name::location mapping, and the language doesn't provide a way to do it yourself?

At least in Go, when that happens we can just add a `replace` statement in the go.mod file:

    replace example.com/foo/bar v2.35.0 => example.org/baz/bar/v2 master

Usually I would agree. I typically make a "Crash-Course in $PLATFORM" document while keeping notes. These I very commonly reference in order to externalize my memory since it seems to be approaching capacity. I don't care about Ruby on Rails, but once I did, and I can reference my notes if I ever need to touch that platform again.

I never refactor for the purpose of refactoring.

If I can do things better, and I usually can, it's because I have a more performant higher level algorithm or set of low level optimization strategies to apply.

I agree, Those API organizers are just creating future crap for others. However, objective benchmarks showing my changes yield 10 to 100 thousand times quicker execution than the old method mean the legacy code was crap...

Legacy being crap is not always the fault of devs. Back on Z80 and similar, before execution caches were expansive and expensive to invalidate, the short circuiting && and || bool operators made sense. Now that invalidating the CPU instruction cache with a jump is far more expensive than just running the ops these short circuits are trying to avoid, it is better to just use bitwise | or & instead of boolean || or && unless there are needed side-effects (really should make the conditional evaluations into proper branches [if statements] anyway, if only for clarity). Benchmark it and see. C is stuck doing LOTS of old and busted style logic, and coders imagine their compiler is doing a lot of magic voodoo under the hood that simply isn't happening. There's loads of compiler optimization hype.

Sometimes the hardware or platform just shifts underneath Good Code and turns it into Crap Code.

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