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I never got the hype of Substack.

I use Ghost for a while now and it's fantastic. The fact that it's open-source, self-hostable, super customizable (themes), has free/premium memberships and can be used both as a blog and newsletter is what makes me stick to it.

Substack is free to start. You only start paying once you have paying subscribers.

Ghost is $9/month to start, even if only your mom is reading it to start. (And you don't get customisable themes at that tier.)

Not hard to see why one is much more popular than the other.

Well Ghost is free if you self-host - but I agree that while hosting it is simple, it is still a barrier to entry.

Self hosting isn't free. It costs money to run a server.

GitHub pages is free.

Ghost does not have a free membership option on their website: https://ghost.org/pricing/

As we saw recently with Mastodon, for a very large section of users, views on "open-source, self-hostable and super customizable" will range from "don't care" at best to "that's too much hassle, pass" at worst.

People just want to write their article and have it come up at the top of Google search results, that's the hype.

While I'm happy it works for this person, I wouldn't do it myself for 2 big reasons:

1. I don't need more technology in my life and more detachment from human connection. If I need a therapist, I'll work with a human.

2. I don't trust companies with such sensitive and personal data.

RE 2nd point, this comment is spot on - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39999142.

Nice one, congrats! Is this something like CodeSandbox or more like a LeetCode platform where you solve problems, get feedback and so on?

P.S: I just created an account today on classromio.com, which has a different purpose, but it's weird that I came across 2 different apps with the same name in the same day.

Thanks! It's more like CodeSandbox, but tailored specifically for educational purposes.

As for the other project, yeah, thanks for letting me know about it. Didn't know about that one, it must have launched recently as well.

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