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Engaging busy professionals, like doctors, is very challenging, especially when your value proposition is unclear. Get clear on what the value of them connecting with you is. If what you're offering isn't compelling, don't be surprised when even friendly connections don't bite. Don't be discouraged, instead learn from it and figure out what you can provide that they find value in.

As others have said, you'd likely have more success leveraging your existing network or attending medical conferences, which may lend themselves more naturally to having these types of conversations (you're right that they're expensive though!).

All things considered, I think a 25% connection rate and a 1% interview rate is great.

Yeah I'm in the toughest phase of idea extraction. Which is: hey I want to talk to you but I have nothing to say, YOU do the talking. That's CRAZY hard, especially on LinkedIn (the low hanging fruit I admit). I already extracted a few ideas from motivated docs or 1st/2nd degree real-life connections, and I could move forward with those on a separate front. But what I thought was going to take me 2 hours a day is actually taking the whole damn day, every day.

I had this doc tell me in the most condescending way possible that she could make good bank if she charged my kind for all the free advice she's giving out... And denied me the advice until I demonstrated my worth. And then her advice was a bunch of shitty platitudes.

I had this psychologist basically suggest I write an essay about why docs are driving change in healthcare. I obliged.

On the other hand I had a wonderful doc out of SC who straight up shared his screen with me, unprompted, to show me his problem. This is the kind of guy that gives me hope.

They have a 2.6 if all 15 current reviews are included. I believe you're right about review-washing; negative reviews I saw a year ago appear to have been removed.

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