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It seems that the code is the result of the ObjC preprocessor. :-)

There's also `clang -rewrite-objc` that "Rewrite Objective-C source to C++" which does the same trick of mapping objc code to `objc_msgSend`


I know humor is not allowed on HN but lol

Why should we take the meaning of revolution in this problem not as the contacting point to meet the circle again, but just as the pointing the same direction? I think this is the source of confusion here.

I'm not the native speaker of English and I might take the meaning of "revolution" very absurdly here. Just curious and I have to ask this. :-)

He mentions that the word revolution has specific meaning in astronomy which doesn't make any sense in the context of this problem.

If my reading is correct, this literally just distribute an LLM model and code, and you need to do some tasks - like building - to make it actually run, right?

And for this, you need to have additional tools installed?

You don't need to do any extra build tasks - the file should be everything you need.

There are some gotchas to watch out for though: https://github.com/mozilla-Ocho/llamafile#gotchas

The only thing I miss is that the editor does not support structured editing. Lisp needs one, period.

Why does almost all the Java based web development framework use "template" system, instead of generating HTML from code(like Flutter/Swift)? Is this due to the inherent limitation of Java language/syntax?

In order to make this not extraordinarily painful, you need some good language support for internal DSLs, or a template language / preprocessor, both of which Java doesn't really have. You could still do it somehow, but it probably wouldn't be the nicest experience. Plus, historically, the Java community has been in love with XML, so you'll find lots of templating libraries based on XML.

Swift has function builders which are part of the magic that makes such DSLs practical.

In Kotlin, which also runs on the JVM, this is possible much more easily than in Java: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/typesafe-html-dsl.html

>instead of generating HTML from code

At the relative bottom (Servelet API level) it works that way, servlets have a direct access to input/output stream, and they have to write plain byte[] (or string via Writer).

As for java syntax, it's not great for string manipulation, encoding (you will need some functions for all the html/javascript escaping).

If you see url's containing ".do" extensions - that was the standard for calling servlets w/o anything, it has changed, of course.

Just a note about the “.do” extension: if I correctly recall, it was introduced by struts framework which used “Action” as a naming convention such as Spring uses “Controller” as suffix, and so they used “.do” as extension.

I've never used 'struts' personally, however mapping servlets directly to ".do" was a recommendation (can't quote books any longer, though - it has been well over 2 decades)

I wonder why more java frameworks don't reuse the parsing from JSP, but just drop the servlett part. Though maybe that's not as easily done as said.

JSP literally compiles/translates to Servlets, as in extends them in the code, and everything you see is in their 'service' method effectively. JSP can consider JSP alike to C's preprocessor.

JSPs are implemented by transpiling them into servlets, so JSPs without the servlets doesn't really save anything (assuming you want to re-use what's out there).

If it has an implementation of reverse mode automatic differentiation, then it might be possible.

I have reverse-mode (purely functional reverse mode at that!) sitting in a branch, and will get this going at some point soon. Even more fun will be compilation down to XLA, like JAX does in Python.

With my email message service provider, I think, 59% of screwedness, I have.

I'm not a native speaker of English and I think I found out that the meaning of "past" in English contains the memory of someone, as well as - this might not be correct, though - factual events.

Anyway, this is a warm story, I have more belief in human being, especially as a being who has lived in Asian culture, who have learned 人間, the human, which in fact has more than mere human being, but also the one in the community of human beings.

Rhetorical, I know, but we need more love of each other, I think. :-)

I think this is a great application/service. You can have source code, self-hosting, and construct your own network of your devices. Nice work, thank you.

Maybe some kind of P2P network support web browser - without someone's server - would be nice but this does require so much more work, I assume.

For OpenStep/NeXTSTEP style MVC, which is very similar to the original MVC, is well explained in the book "OpenStep for Enterprises", https://www.amazon.com/OpenStep-Enterprises-Nancy-Knolle-Cra... . I just cannot understand why the author says it's different from ST80 style MVC.

Is the explanation in that book better/different than the one in https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/computing/nextstep-openste...? Just curious.

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