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> monads aren't that great. Monad transformers are terrible at scaling.

I've dabbled in Haskell, but making anything more than toys became infuriating when dealing with deep stacks of monad transformers: the inscrutable error messages that maybe you just need another `lift` to fix or maybe need to rearrange the whole stack IDK WTF FML LOL.

I'm now poking around Unison, though without any ideas so far on what to write with it. The Abilities system looks refreshingly simple, and there's even a fair explanation somewhere on the site of how they're at least as powerful as Monads.

I personally think these effect systems are trying to solve the wrong problem. What we really want is capabilities[1], and the means of enforcing them, which I suspect is best done with linear types and uniqueness types. Granule[2] is certainly of interest as it combines these two typing disciplines. Austral[3] is another worth looking into, though uniqueness and referential transparency is not one of its goals, it does provide capabilities which are encapsulated in linear types, which serve a similar purpose as uniqueness types for guaranteeing unforgeability.




Just curious what you think of abilities in Unison? I've yet to use Unison in anger, but from what I've peeked at, abilities look really elegant to me.

I like what I’ve seen of unison and I think it has some great ideas, but I haven’t had a chance to dive into it deeply enough to have a stronger opinion than that unfortunately.

It’s usually implied that “effect” pertains to observable effects. Anything that doesn’t affect referential transparency gets handwaved away. A memoized function might use a private stateful cache, but as long as it doesn’t affect determinism, you can keep its existence secret.

There's also the profile button at the top right, just to the left of the hamburger menu, that says "Incognito" on it.

Yeah I forgot about that.

Pretty much the entire AWS Code* stack: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy ... Does any developer use those willingly?

Also SAM. I run into a new bug or limitation in SAM every other time I touch it. Really need to ditch it for CDK.

I use CodeBuild and CodePipeline. I love these products. I use them via CDK so maybe it’s better DX that way.

Those three are fairly independent, self-contained, and reasonably useful. Unlike Amplify that creates a bunch of stuff in your account that you don’t really control, or Elastic Beanstalk that creates a bunch of stuff in an account that isn’t even yours! Then there was CodeStar…

Just curious, does Aurora scale down at all in price, i.e. if I have a test instance that's hardly ever used, does it ever end up being cheaper than a classic RDS instance?

Disclaimer: I work at xata.

Xata is (like Heroku) based on Aurora, but offers database branching and has different pricing. That should be ideal for lightly-used test instances, because you only pay for storage, and 15GB are included in the free tier.

It scales to zero, so costs nothing when it's not in use...

Can you share which configuration scales to $0? I am not aware of that being possible. Even the serverless option has a base ACU rate.

v1 of Serverless did scale to 0, but that's no longer an option

You're thinking of Aurora Serverless, but the typical Aurora customer isn't using the Serverless offering. Additionally, the original version of Aurora Serverless scaled to 0, but v2 doesn't.


>> but the typical Aurora customer isn't using the Serverless offering

Just wondering, why is that?

AWS Can't bill you on 0 usage.

that has not been my experience.

Based on a really old edition before it was renamed "Think Python" eons ago. The "interactivity" is pretty much quiz questions that test that you read the chapter at all. Looks like it has some pythontutor integration too, but not much. Layout feels like they gave up on the CSS halfway through.

You're better off going here instead, interactive or no: https://allendowney.github.io/ThinkPython/

The third edition (at your link) is interactive, each chapter is available as a Jupyter notebook. Though to run it on Google Colab (where it is available by default, but you can download it) you do have to log into a Google account.

> Some of the code in the core Redpanda Connect repo is still MIT-licensed, and we technically could have kept using some of it, but we couldn’t wait around to find out what the next change would be. We have to ensure that one of our most critical dependencies is being stewarded in a thoughtful and responsible manner. We also cannot, in good conscience, include any software dependencies containing mixed or muddled licensing that could be subject to change (again) at a moment's notice. Our customers deserve more stability and predictability than that.

TLDR: They don't trust Redpanda to not pull the rug again later.

It's known as Cleek's Law: "Today's Conservatism is the opposite of whatever Liberals want today, updated daily."

Old: Wayback Machine dates the article to 2014.

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