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because every new construction requires a solid cornerstone? every archway a keystone? dont forget to put your boots in the trunk and your trunk in the boot. Nucular aluminum? I dunno

Gizmodo and anything gawker media is utter and total junk, pushing Disney media and other hidden agenda. Was irked when I accidentally clicked it, I block it on almost all my systems to avoid feeding the beast.

see: Sister Cordell Jackson... #6 all time best guitarist according to Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone's best of guitar lists have always been a joke. They're the type of thing to put Slash at 110 below 90 people you've never heard of. It's like a running gag you'd see on The Simpsons.

She must have been having an off day in this one.


Any selections you'd recommend?

check to see what aluminum cans and even the cans of canned food are lined with... It doesnt look so good to me. Without that sealant, metal leeches into the product.

needs a seal

the seal is waste depending what it is made of. ramune uses some kind of plasticy stuff, for example

Historically it was pure glass but modern retro recreations usually adds that plastic cap, pusher rod and a plastic wrapper for easier manufacturing as well as for corporate liabilities. Those aren't technically necessary.

I have not seen one that is pure glass. The oldest I have seen has a gasket. Every source I see indicates a rubber gasket was used in the first versions.

Ah interesting. I though it was glass on glass.

When dealing with SQL, these higher level languages (which are converted to sql, such as FetchXML and Pql) are traditionally quite limited by what use cases they are suitable for. They are not suitable for complex joins and grouping particularly across large tables and resultsets for example. Not particularly suitable for joining remote data sources particularly of large result sets.

They are suitable for Reads on tables that are tuned specifically for the desired use cases. The amount of optimization required in the conversion should be limited intrinsicly by this assumption and the higher level language should be strict enough that an optimization related to deciding A/B SQL Approach in the conversion to SQL is not required (because results will be unpredictable due to table sizes etc)

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