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Just a fyi also in case it was hard to see on the site, the GitHub repo can be found at https://github.com/narratejs/narratejs

Any reaction. As mentioned this is an early release just to get my feet wet in developing this. I plan to spend the foreseeable future developing this so just want to get the word out is all right now. Just from your comment I got some good feedback, so thank you. I will make sure to change the github logo for the repo that is right on the main page that you overlooked to specifically say its a github repo link. Thank you!

Just a ps, this is still very early release, I just wanted to share it here first. I will be focusing a lot of time to developing this and could use some support and love! :)

copyright infringement ;)

The world we're entering into will rapidly no longer need copyright. It'll be possible to create all of the inputs into, say, a Star Wars movie, in as little as a weekend.

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