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There's a 3rd party app the run the Figma editor inside. You can also run it through browser, but it's more ideal on a 13".

Totally agree though, in this day and age 1st party Figma should be on there.

Please cite a well written study to back up your claim that is not an opinion piece or some state sanctioned message, from any country.

That's a bit of a ridiculous standard. Mostly because I don't think China is liable to hand out the records they've been gathering to cross check findings from other study.

You don't need records conduct research if a specific message is being spread on TikTok against chance, to at least back up an unsubstantiated theory — even if not practical in the court of law.

For anyone who uses TikTok regularly, it's evident there frequently political content that outright contradict's China's positions, spreading unfettered through the platform.

Even if there is zero evidence supporting an influence campaign on the platform, the ease of collecting user data or spying on users is something I would expect an active adversary to do. Like it or not, China and America are at odds with each other, and it's almost silly to assume that China would not be exploiting a successful tool for their own means.

They sent a push notification to every American user asking them to ask their congressman to not ban tiktok.

That's hardly the subtle influence that we're all supposed to be afraid of. If that's the only example you cas come up with... that's not a strong case.

That’s overt influence showing they aren’t afraid to use their muscle. Of course they’re willing to use more subtle messages.

The same govt that screwed the entire world with Covid-19 will use tiktok for nefarious purposes. This isn’t a stretch.

Does this count?


How does someone do data collection on how the Chinese government weaponizes a social media platform? That would almost certainly involve Tailored Access Operations (or whatever they are calling offensive cyber warfare these days), not only of questionable legality but definitely compromising the sort of Tactics/Techniques/Procedures you REALLY don't want made public.

I'm writing one right now, just waiting on the CCP to get back to me with their internal communications and commit history at tiktok which will prove this.


You contradict yourself by asserting "arbitrary action X, which will prove this" implying the party is guilty by mere speculation about unknowns.

I never implied the party is guilty, although my prediction is that they are.

My point is that it's impossible to prove what the commenter was asking for.

"which will prove this" is not a prediction, it's an assertion of absolute truth.

A Cybertruck owner recently encountered an issue where the top cap that covers the pedal slides off and jams against the interior of the car. This then creates a situation where the pedal cap is pressing on the accelerator while jammed.

The video originated on TikTok, then posted by @elaifresh on X showing the exact video in which this happens.


I think you're onto something. I recall that you do not form memories with things that you don't bond with. Hence why there are very few accounts of dreaming on cellphones. Time also isn't perceivable when we can't see the gradual change in physical properties. It's like a suburban life where you are at home, then you travel in a metal block, to then arrive at another room. But you're not doing the in between stuff.

Unfortunately, digital dreams are real. That's how I decided to quit social media cold turkey, actually; I was dreamscrolling my FB homepage every other night.

...of course, this tale may be conveying more about me than about our time. But it was too weird an experience to leave unshared.

The low effort comments on this topic is surprising, considering that this community has many experts in respective scientific fields. There is not much effort to bring deep legal/scientific critical analysis into the subject. Even if this is an extraordinary claim, that it is backed by so many professional witnesses should warrant sincere investigation rather than banter and ridicule.

This hearing really isn't about theory or based on your notions of what is likely. Instead, it stemmed from a whistleblower complaint regarding bureaucratic security layers to obfuscate projects from Congressional oversight. These projects are compartmentalized behind SAPs and misappropriation of government funds.

There’s an handful of people Ukraine and Russia who services a specific model of 16mm cameras. I just don’t know how much longer these film cameras will be around.

There's still a ton of Arri 16 for rental out there, even from Arri themselves.


While I can see people thinking a LUT a film emulation, it’s just the starting point. Many emulation tools only focus on color which is fine for most people.

For an authentic look, halation, grain patterns, diffusion, highlight roll off, detail resolve and other imperfections are needed to complete the look, of varying qualities for each film stock. Not to mention lens choice as well. Modern lens with software correction may not look right.

Also this software is not specifically for photographers, it’s for motion picture.

You can get a lot of the way there with RawTherapee, grain simulation, halation, and accurate highlight roll off are all well within RT's wheelhouse, and while not fast, I've absolutely used RT from the command line to simply process a set of frames. If you want the thing but you don't want to pay, you can get most of the way there. I stand by my claim.

Figma's implementation uses WebGL so it might be difficult to pull off. I think there's some extra resources needed to act like flexbox, compared to actual flex box.

It says a lot that whenever someone presents a new idea that challenges existing views of international issues, we have to remind other posters of our personal alignment against the country on the other side of the fence.

It's okay to try to understand the world beyond conventional discourse. No one should be afraid of analyzing an issue with skepticism.

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