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It seems like we need to trigger another import -- we only have 491 of their 1,000! But you can search Standard Ebooks books in Open Library. Here they are sorted by how many people have added them to their reading log: https://openlibrary.org/search?q=id_standard_ebooks%3A%2A&mo...

Or by rating: https://openlibrary.org/search?q=id_standard_ebooks%3A%2A&mo...

Or by first published! https://openlibrary.org/search?q=id_standard_ebooks%3A%2A&mo...

I created an issue to kick off another import: https://github.com/internetarchive/openlibrary/issues/9372

Thanks - that's really helpful.

The page where the videos are from isn't meant to be marketing material. It's a documentation page for people who already have the tablet -- the page says "Welcome to Your Daylight Computer". I personally have no qualms if some of the videos there are sped up, and it has no bearing on my trust of the company.

If you want the promotional videos actually advertising/backing the display claims, check out the main website: https://daylightcomputer.com/product . If you do find evidence that the video there is sped up, I agree with you it's a bad look. But the videos look pretty clearly not sped up based on the human motion.

Regardless there will be third party videos popping on YouTube soon, as the parent comment says.

Many of us seem to have ended up at that documentation page out of exasperation, as we couldn't find video examples on the main page.

It appears that portrait vs landscape on their main page, on mobile at least, conceals that promo video (which does appear to show realtime footage).

If you happen to visit in the wrong orientation (or whatever other variables hide the video) and see claims of speed, but conspicuously absent proof, and then discover quietly sped-up videos buried in the docs, it all starts to feel scammy.

Given e-ink has a history of all kinds of shenanigans, and given I believe this company launched then unlaunched this product a few weeks ago (setting videos to private), it's not surprising some of us are on a hair-trigger.

Anyway, having seen decent enough video now, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. If this is for real, it will be of huge benefit to many who struggle with artificial light sensitivity, and I'm sure they'll do well.

For future reference, if you're going to make a claim like this, seriously include a link. It's unclear what video you're talking about.

Assuming you're talking about the link to a video posted by another commenter further down ( https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=mikhailt ), that video was posted out of context. There are a lot of other videos on that documentation page which are not sped up. See here: https://daylightco.gorgias.help/en-US#article-493382

The video in question, the video under "ereader on steroids", appears to be sped up, my guess is because the purpose of the video is to summarize the functionality. A "3x" label would be nice, but let's not jump to accusations! That video isn't at all in a context where it seems likely meant to mislead. You can view other videos on that page that are in 1x.

Oops I meant to link to here. This is the comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40459851

I think context matters; that specific video is meant to show a summary of the functionality; it's in a section called "ereader on steroids" and it doesn't say anything about speed. And there are a lot of other videos on the same page which are not sped up. https://daylightco.gorgias.help/en-US#article-493382

Labelling the speed would be nice, but I don't detect any bad intentions here.

There are other videos here: https://daylightco.gorgias.help/en-US#article-493382 . That one video appears to have been sped up, my guess is to try to show a "summary" of functionality. I tried a few of the other videos and they don't appear to be sped up.

At the same time, I think asking a person or a parent requires much more will power than asking a computer (for whatever reason -- but part of it is just that a teacher might not have as much time as a child needs/wants). I do agree the social accountability of a good one-on-one teacher is the most ideal -- for me I got that from my parents/siblings. But lots of folks don't have access to that, and school systems don't have the resources to supply that, so maybe AI might be a good middle ground.

The article and the source video note these screenshots are stored locally: "Satya point out the processing and data storage is done locally on the device"

I didn't think the old Sky sounded anything like her, but the sky they unveiled at the 4o event seemed super similar. While watching the event I was genuinely wondering "wait did they actually partner with Scarlett Johansson? That's wild!"

This voice: https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1790072174117613963

According to Open AI's post about the Sky voice controversy:

"Each actor receives compensation above top-of-market rates, and this will continue for as long as their voices are used in our products."


Not sure if this is royalties, but it seems like there's some form of long term compensation. But it's a little vague so not sure.

I think one major difference between spreadsheets and Jupyter notebooks is state/dependency graph. In a notebook, cells don't depend on each other. They can be run many times, and the order they're run in matters. This is one of the major gotchas with notebooks. With spreadsheets, they're generally deterministic. There is no notion of "cell order", cells are recomputed automatically depending on the dependency graph between the cells. This results in a pretty big user experience difference.

But according to other comments here, that's unfortunately not how this spreadsheet program works.

Yes in that it doesn't appear to use a dependency graph to track recomputes; it recomputes everything on a cell change (according to another commenter anyways). But the UX effect is still the same in that the user never has to think about cell order, and every cell is always consistent with each other.

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