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I've thought about this as well. One idea I've has is releasing a data bamb, in a sense that a huge amount of information is injected along with your interaction. An example of this would be you open your browser and put in a search term for cat food, and a server you are running picks up your activity (opening a browser), then plugs in 100s of search terms for random, unrelated things while logged into your account. Or at minimum send get requests from your in address for you.This essentially adds noise, which one can be done in different ways.

Shouldn't one of the main properties of data poisoning be that it should go undetected? otherwise the collector agency (FB, whatever) can just develop an algorithm to flag that new data.

Where can I find this course?

I am not google staff member but I am a dev who uses a chromebook pixel at home. This Nov will be 2 years since I first received my chromebook pixel. Here is my set up: 1) I unlocked machine, put it in into dev mode 2) crouton set up to use xfce 3) ssh to remote servers to use things like docker

Here's the repo for crouton. I don't know if they have hardware support for pixelbook yet. https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton

I had some hardware/software issues from time to time but they were resolved with OS updates or a powerwash. My set up was ok but not ideal - it would fluctuate between bliss and frustration. Opening your laptop to find half of your led screen dark is not fun. Sometimes the laptop would simply poweroff - though this may have been an issue with regards to overheating. This is the price to pay to go into dev mode.

Other than the points above I think using a chromebook pixel for development has been a ok experience. For simple tasks my experience is very good. My battery life is still very good after 2 years. The screen is perfect. Switching between xfce and my other tabs is a breeze, I would have my xfce instance open in one tab, and have a few chroot instances open in another tab (think of the feel like python's venv).

If google staff is here, please answer my only question: is there any plans to make this set up more friendly for dev set ups?

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