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Thank you very much for the advice!

I agree with your points, and I'll update my CV to reflect those changes. I knew the CV was likely the weak point but I just wasn't sure in what ways to change it, so your advice gives me hope.

Make sure you don't have one resume. If you are applying to a backend Java application, make sure that the first skills in your list are applicable for back end Java and expand on relevant projects. Likewise, if you're applying to a front end JavaScript position, then have that be the thing you lead with.

On the other side of the table, here's an applicant showing JavaScript things for a backend Java position... and a bunch more that have Java first. The JavaScript focused resume isn't likely to get a second look.

Make sure that your resume reflects the position that you are applying for.

Thank you for the advice.

I've done that a few times for jobs i was particularly excited to apply for, but didn't think about it from the perspective you mentioned. I'll definitely do that from now on.

I managed to stumble across my first contribution to a popular open source project about 2 months ago but haven't actively looked for one since. It could be worthwhile to take another look, but it's hard to not feel the imposter syndrome.

Yeah especially in that scenario. Do something super trendy with LLMs or procedural pixel art or something and do a Show HN.

Looking at nuance.js you seem to like writing libraries. The JavaScript side of AI needs lots of help with little utilities and stuff like this!

I think a project + Show HN would:

- build confidence

- get eyes and feedback on your work

- increase your legitmacy to others ultimately resulting in people contacting you

Make it a point to show Hacker News something awesome every Friday until you get a job, would give you a metronome and carrot-on-a-stick at least - "hope" I think they call it

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Remote: Yes (preferred)

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity


- Development: React, TypeScript, Node.js, Java, Kotlin, Swift/SwiftUI, Tailwindcss

- Database: SQL, MySQL, NoSQL, SQLite

- Cloud: Cloudflare, CleverCloud, Render

Résumé/CV: https://caseygg.dev/portfolio

Email: casey@caseygg.dev

Summary: I'm a software developer with ~2 years of experience. I've spent the last year learning, tutoring and working on personal projects. If my profile interests you, I'd love to discuss how i could contribute to your company.

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