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*severe mental illness

It's interesting though, I kind of wonder if this is a sort of paradoxical reaction as (relatively) mentally healthy people who I know tried it (e.g Atkins) had their moods significantly worsen.

>people who I know tried it (e.g Atkins) had their moods significantly worsen

Dieting is stressful?

It can be. Sugar and other food staples are drugs, and can be habit forming.

Programmers are bad at managing state when they forget to use the tools made for managing state. I've had to work on code bases where the state was "implicit" and encoded in a bunch of different fields which "grew" over time and it's a full on nightmare. Even a rudimentary state machine which makes both application state and transitions between states explicit feels like a super power by comparison.

Classic state management must be taught and learned to understand the why of current state management solutions and why so many come and go.

What tool do you recommend to do so?

Just look for state-machine (finite state automata) on github


This is a very common pattern in Ruby to manage state. It's especially useful to guard entering impossible states with respect to business logic and figuring out what went wrong. Something along the lines of:

    Can't transition Command from 'ordered' to 'to-deliver': paid() == false
look at this gem https://github.com/pluginaweek/state_machine to get an idea of what features are possible

Sum type is key, called "discriminated union" sometimes generally. In Rust this is an `enum`. Simulated in some languages as tuples with tag first element. Discrete number of states, attaching information only relevant to each single state. Thus, never have invalid combination of other fields.

I think in this context 'state' means 'state which changes over time', not necessarily the shape of the state at rest.

Turning it off and on again will fix mutable state, not poorly-typed state.

Ach, programmers! You ruined programming!

I'm sure it will be a very impressive part but the performance claims sound too good to be true.

"up to 30 times the inference performance, and up to 25 times better energy efficiency"

Mostly marketing shenanigans.

"The thing is, you’ve been listening to the wrong expert. You need to listen to the right expert. And you need to know what an expert is going to advise you before he advises you."

They might get quite a good deal on types of sand which are no good for construction but are highly abundant like sea sand or desert sand.

I was about to write just that. Also, desertification is a problem, so they could possibly get free raw material from many places, paying only shipping, and doing something good at the same time.

That’s the question, innit. Is there a sand-ologist around here?

We do this in the UK but A: it's really small, as in a person with 20/20 vision has to get physically close to the price tag to read it. And B: all supermarkets seem to offer lower "membership card" prices which don't have to list this.

So, yes, but also there's other stuff you have to do to ensure that supermarkets don't make this information harder to use/make it irrelevant entirely.

I think there's a reasonable case to be made that new GPU SKUs are also good being released at higher price points or with more inflated product names than they would have had historically. E.g. a 4060 looks a lot like a product that might have been released as a xx50 series part in more historically normal market conditions.

You are making a hasty generalisation. Foods are not nearly as well controlled as medications, and even then vaccines only represent a subset of medications. Where food is sold, known human carcinogens are freely accessible on the open market and are very popular. Processed meats like bacon, ham, etc. are listed known human carcinogens but persist despite health concerns because of their popularity.

Some medications are also human carcinogens but tend to only be accessible through a doctor where the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks in a professional capacity. It's not like you can just go out and buy a box of azathioprine because you feel like your immune system is being a bit overdramatic lately.

According to the WHO, there is increasing evidence that aspartame may be carcinogenic, a sweetener which has been on the market for decades at this point. Here in the UK even, government interventions to reduce sugar in products have even encouraged manufacturers to include this in even more products.

The real problem is that discovering health risks is a hard problem which often don't appear for decades.

I think you mean that the motives of the food industry isn't in the health of the consumers, but rather the profit of the stock holders and the practitioners of food science.

As opposed to the medical industry which has the health of the consumers at it's heart. Which is manifest that so few medical companies have been issued multimillion fines for malpractice. Like we see so few companies like GlaxoSmithKline and Phizer having record breaking fines levied against them. I mean GSK didn't get a whopping 3 billion fine or something. Hmm, you know what. I think you have convinced me. Thank you.

The domain reads a lot like "metastasis" which fits quite well with the social media landscape and oodles of terrible "suggested" content on Facebook in general

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