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I know You are talking specifically about VSCode. So, most likely My comment may be irrelevant.

I happen to have a vídeo on having Elixir support on Sublime Texto 4.[1]

I Also do have a couple of videos on installing Erlang and Elixir on Debían. I am not sure if this can be reprocuced on a Mac.[2]

[1] https://youtu.be/LhDycf5G5RM?si=P_B9sqg3wSbsZ5mY


I would recommend [1].

It is challenging for a beginner, at the same time I remember this course (at least many years ago) having an outstanding community. No question without answer spirit.

They have detailed instructions on how to install Anaconda.

Once done with this training your young relative won't have any issue registering and creating an account with any given AI provider and making API calls.

deeplearning.ai happens to have course very beginner friendly. But in My opinion a person should focus on having the aforementioned course (or CS50 [Also on edx]) under its belt.

[1] https://www.edx.org/learn/computer-science/massachusetts-ins...

Strongly recommend NOT using Anaconda, ever, for anything.

Use Poetry, if you have to, use pip/venv.

When it comes time to managing your actual production code, if you learned in anaconda you will have no idea what you are doing. Pick your dependencies purposefully and carefully, not relying on whatever Conda tells you to use.

Managing deps in Python is awful and Poetry makes it suck less.

hmm, I did not have the same experience. Anaconda makes managing python versions and environments extremely easy, and you can still use pip inside it if you want. But I have installed countless ML packages from both conda, pip-only and local setup only repoes, haven't had any issues.

  Location: Mexico.
  Remote: 100 %
  Willing to relocate: Yes, maybe in the future.
  Technologies: Java, Scala, JavaScript, SQL.
  Résumé/CV: https://calebjosue.gigalixirapp.com
  Email: calebjosue-dev@outlook.com

>Waiting around while the computer does a load of computation. You know, this reminded me of Blender 3D, once you are done with your model, etc. And proceed to the rendering process, we definitively have to wait for the computer to do its thing. But you are right on what you say. Hard to come up with algorithms that not depends on massive data I suppose. Thanks both of you for your recommendations.

I am revisiting some elementary Math topics, kind of rediscovering or discovering for the first time the whole subject. But eventually I think I will open the aforementioned book (And hopefully this time I won't drop it jehehe). Having a beer, watch Netflix? That sounds cool, I am waiting for the next season of Rings of Powers.

  Location: Atoyac de Alvarez, Guerrero. Mexico
  Remote: 100 %
  Willing to relocate: Maybe in the future
  Technologies: Java, JScala, JavaScript, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://calebjosue.gigalixirapp.com
  Email: calebjosue-dev@outlook.com

If you can afford the time, this resource is a good one (Free). https://cs193p.sites.stanford.edu/2023 (The videos are available on YouTube in their official channel). You can skip through the basics (The ones related with printing 'Hello World', etc).

There's also this course on Udacity (https://www.udacity.com/course/ios-developer-nanodegree--nd0...), in which you are exposed to some APIs (To use them) almost to the end (Since you have mentioned being interested in the networking capabilities available).

Hope that helps!

Thank you @armchairhacker, @dave4420, @zargon.

The reason I've asked is because (And I am not totally sure about this [I am a neophyte, sorry if I say something silly), it seems to me that at some point functional programming (After all the mental contortions) feels like imperative programming. And I found all these applicative style, point-free style terms.

"Why functional programming matters" is on my reading list (later this year), my main interest in the topic is related on how programs can be written in the most simple and concise way, where code is what matters and not the programmer's cleverness. Compiler people go through... You know what, nobody asked me. Let's turn this into a blog entry instead.

In the meantime, thank you very much!!! I will definitively take a look at those projects.

  Location: Atoyac de Alvarez, Guerrero. Mexico.
  Remote: 100%
  Willing to relocate: Maybe in the future.
  Technologies: Java, Scala, JavaScript, SQL, HTML.
  Résumé/CV: https://calebjosue.gigalixirapp.com
  Email: calebjosue-dev@outlook.com

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