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If a lot of attacks come from AS44477, why not just block it?

I do. :)

We were seeing a lot of brute force/spraying password attempts from AS44477 a month or two ago, the setup looked fishy enough that it was easier to block the whole AS than waste time with it.

(And it's surprisingly large - ~1550 x /24 - at current market rates that IP space is probably worth something around $10-20 million).

You needed an invite last I checked which explains the quietness part.

You do need an invite. I see this as a feature - not a bug. It massively cuts down on spam. And also makes removing spammers much easier due to the fact that it is not just invite only - it also has a public invite tree. So a spammer cannot just make 100s invites for sock puppets. They are trivially eliminated as well.

I don't have anything against it. It's just one of the reasons for being quieter.

You still do. 2 different people invited me, which is why I thought it worth a look.

But a lot of sites started like that, even Gmail.

After they deplatformed KiwiFarms, I thought that's an isolated case but turns out they are just unprofessional. I can't have pity for a casino service anyways.

> a web forum that facilitates the discussion and harassment of online figures and communities. Their targets are often subject to organized group trolling and stalking, as well as doxxing and real-life harassment.These actions have tied Kiwi Farms to the suicides of three people targeted by members of the forum.

Sounds like a pretty abhorrent website

CloudFlare only dropped Kiwi Farms because Keffals made it inconvenient for them to do business with enterprise customers. Said customers were looking at Twitter and saying, "Wait, you host WHAT?!"

Before that CF was high and mighty on the "free speech" horse.

There's an old spat between CloudFlare and Malwarebytes where MB was threatening to block all of CloudFlare because they wouldn't remove literal malware. The argument being that running a reverse proxy "isn't hosting", and should be treated differently, even though to literally anyone else there's no difference between an origin server and a proxy.

CloudFlare is just sketchy as all get out, IMO.

Putting my biases on the table: I think CloudFlare shouldn't have hosted Kiwi Farms in it's current state, because I don't think hosting dox should be legal. A website that hosts dox is not engaging in speech, it is engaging in censorship. Hell, in the EU, it's already illegal to host dox, the US just needs to pass a privacy law comparable to that of the GDPR. Kiwi Farms is legal in the US purely for the same reason why the CIA/FBI/NSA can legally buy advertising data from Google and Facebook.

> CloudFlare shouldn't have hosted Kiwi Farms in it's current state, because I don't think hosting dox should be legal

But they keep doing it. Just not KiwiFarms but other websites. I've reported it to them, they claim they are only a proxy (that's not true, they are also the registrar and DNS). Nothing was done.

Sounds about right from the "censorship is when packet loss" crowd.

Who wrote that?

Didn’t they also deplatform stormfront and a few others they didn’t like?

Yes but then people argued it's about these websites being bad. Turns out it's just about money, considering Cloudflare has no problem with CP or other website calling for violence and celebrating it.

> if I saw them out of context I’d assume they were female

No need to be this much disingenuous, you can express support in other ways.

I went to the article and looked at the profile pic. I don’t care a ton; if she didn’t pass I’d have made a different argument.

Privacy. That's iPhone.

> you have to threaten to cancel

They might uno reverse you and charge you €20 for canceling/deleting your account [0]

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40246171

> What would stop a bad actor from putting in someone else's email on a whole bunch of sites with this kind of form to spam them?

What would stop a bad actor from doing the same on the register, forgot password or newsletter forms?

> That may simply indicate that I’m not popular enough to encounter the problem, of course.

I get no spam and no non-spam email so that probably indicates I am even less popular.

I wouldn't rely on a third party for the majority of my customer communication and data.

As someone outside of the AWS trap, I am amazed at how many services people are saying you must use to have file uploads. 2 storage buckets that are charged in 10 different ways, a CDN, a processing server, a "lambda", "media convert", virus scanning and a third party service for resizing.. Extremely unnecessarily over complicated and probably overly expensive.

Yeah, companies really seem to like pissing away their users money on AWS. And then people wonder why everything is an expensive subscription now and somehow Amazon keeps getting richer...

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