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I'd add that .dev was never a safe TLD, it just wasn't available yet.

Using .dev was a pretty foolish thing to do, and ICANN making it available shows how important it is to use proper TLDs for intranets. (That said, a case could be made for .dev being classified as high-risk.)

Regional pricing means it's 500-560 USD up-front to buy the receiver. Then, 50-100 USD per month for the residential plan, which includes unlimited data.

That's not too bad. However, there's no speed listed. Third party reviews state 100/10 Mbps (up/down), which is not too bad considering the same site states a UK average of 75/15.

The vast majority of the UK has pretty slow speeds.

That said, unlimited internet subscriptions over fiber can be had for as little as 20 USD per month, which is far cheaper.

Spectrum is charging me $85 a month (and constantly increasing) for internet (JUST internet) that clocks out at about 200 Mbps, so that really doesn't sound all that bad.

> Give us some information on the reason you rule out the obvious solution

Not so obvious for some. The quality of life, as I measure it, is far too poor for me to consider it. I'm more than happy to be in Europe.

I have a colleague who performed a major migration of the linting tools we used. TSLint to ESLint. Of course, they also fixed all the new rules changes. All in all, took them roughly thirteen months. I'm certain that they would have had less trouble merging their changes in if they did so in much smaller chunks.

FYI: The default node Docker images already include yarn.


fish does a lot out of the box that I needed plugins for in zsh. zsh's plugins are slow, so my shell startup was over three seconds. fish starts way faster, even with plugins.

But should you? '"Market dynamics", shrug' is all too often used to excuse the bad parts of capitalism.

Should you be able to freely buy things and sell things you own? Yes, you should and this is not an aspect of capitalism. Why would that not exist in a socialist or other economic system?

Not you shouldn't be able hoard the supply of a thing and double its price. Don't play stupid like the intent of the purchase doesn't have consequences on your rights to sell an asset.

I would like to to state a very specific thing: I’m both a socialist and fine with price gouging for tesla trucks, and I don’t feel that’s a hypocritical thought.

Not all “things” are equal though. When we’re talking about materials required for living being hoarded, I’ll be right there with you. When luxury automobiles and tickets to Taylor Swift are the topic, I’m fine with the market deciding.

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