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This looks similar to a tool I discovered a while back called Batsh. But Amber looks a lot more polished and has some nice safety about it.


Both tools look useful (although I lean toward Amber's ECMAscript syntax). I liked this comment from batsh:

> Both Bash and Batch are messy to read and tricky to write due to historical reasons. You have to spend a lot of time learning either of them and write platform-dependent code for each operating system. I have wasted lots of time in my life struggling with bizarre syntaxes and unreasonable behaviors of them, and do not want to waste any more.

For a second I thought it said Nonogram and was excited to work some puzzles.

Here's a recent discussion on HN...

Onyx, a new programming language powered by WebAssembly (wasmer.io)


Being a C# developer, I absolutely love the syntax. I also like the Universal Function Call Syntax for it's fluency, kind of like pipes in elixir or F#.

I'm still going through the guide but one thing I find curious is the module naming when building your application. It seems like you clone a library to disk and then "import" it as a command line argument with the name you choose. I'm trying to wrap my head around how dependencies would work if you have the following situation:

  - parse library
  - http library (requires parse) -> import parse=~/parse/src
  - my_app (requires parse and http) -> import http=~/http/src parse_with_different_name=~/parse/src
Note how my_app uses a different name for the parse library than http.

If the http library uses "parse" in the source code when referencing the module (import parse) and my application uses "parse_with_different_name" when referencing the module (import parse_with_different_name), does that mean to compile my app I would have the following...

  valec build mymodule=~/my_app.vale parse=~/parse/src http=~/http/src parse_with_different_name=~/parse/src
Maybe I'm missing something and maybe it's too early to worry about things like this. Regardless I am loving this language and very excited about it.

Edit: trying to fix my example list

It's python syntax highlighting for formatted string literals. PEP 498.


Of course. I'm referring to HTML syntax in python string highlighting in your editor. How is support for that? Recommended plugins?

I'm just as interested in his journey that brought him here as I am with this OS. So amazing!

Thanks for the links. I was looking everywhere for the information that ended up being in the "quirksmode" post. So far that post has had the most value in answering questions.

Flutter is cross platform. I looked for it but didn't see where jetpack has this capability. Please post me a link if I’m wrong, I would follow this project if it does support cross platform development.

Jetpack Compose was announced at IO: https://blog.karumi.com/android-jetpack-compose-review/

I know right. But he addresses it in the comments at the bottom of the article.

Looking at the comment, I can't figure out what he says about it running on Windows.

I’m operating on a Macbook Pro 15 from mid 2010. I upgraded the hard drive to SSD, upgraded the memory to 8 gigs (max supported), and the mobo has been replaced twice (fried from overheating .. the thing gets really hot). This has prolonged my machine for a bit but it’s starting to getting long in the tooth. They also just dropped my model from being able to install the newest mac OS (for a 2010 that might make sense). Seems being able to upgrade modular pieces of your tech is a thing of the past. It has saved me some really time and money being able to remain on the same machine for 9 years. If it weren’t upgradeable that probably be a totally different story.

Biggest features that I would miss from my macbook:

--Touchpad with BetterTouchTool - I heavily use custom gestures and it’s insane how much this drives my daily work flow and speed

--Unix environment is super nice

--Reliable and quick resume from hibernate or suspend

--Never really lags at the OS level .. but individual apps might get a little bogged

I would use a windows notebook as my daily driver if the experience were close and it had a solid build (weight and slimness is not a huge deal to me). Laptop + linux would be fine as well but I don’t know about the user experience with the newer touchpads in linux.

Does anyone have any success stories with notebooks that mirror my experience and isn’t OSX?

> upgraded the memory to 8 gigs (max supported)

You should be able to put 16GB in it. Apple doesn't say so, but I ran that much with 0 issues for years in machines from that time.

Are you sure it was a 2010 model and not a 2011 one?

I may have had a 2011 model.

A quick peek at https://everymac.com/systems/by_year/macs-released-in-2010.h... suggests that the Core 2 Duo systems (13" MBP) could handle 16gb, but the i5/i7 models (15"/17") couldn't. This Stack Exchange answer confirms: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/105036

You should be able to run Linux on this laptop, once Apple drops support for the Mac OS version you're running. It's only with very recent Apple hardware that you encounter real problems with Linux. (Recent Linux distributions support touchpad gestures as well.)

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