Wake up at 03:00.
Have coffee, read news.
Bathroom, brush teeth, get workout gear on.
Workout for ~2 hours - either a run or a ride. Normally alternating days. 03:30
Shower, get dressed.
Eat breakfast.
06:30 Off to work to read HN!
I just finished this one. It is an excellent book. He really improved my understanding of geopolitics and why maps look like they do. I also recommend!
I often use my sleeping heart rate to know when I am becoming ill. I had the flu about a month ago, and saw a spike of 9bpm at the peak of the fever. At least for me, this metric is a really good indicator of health.
I'm sad to see LJ go. I have been reading this on and off since the 1990s, not long after I received my first floppy disk with Slackware on it from a friend. I failed to renew this year. Now I wish that I would have.