Religion and science in general are not incompatiable. Immutible religions and mutable scienece are incompatible though. God didn't create the world in 7 days. As a theory this is disprovable. So the bible needs to be edited! But that is not allowed but we have an out! We can imterpret it as metaphor.
Buying a fridge. Plugging it into the neigbours outbouse, who also gives you free food, and you use both to run your cafe. Which is fair because the neighbour gives free food away to look the most christian and you pay for the fridge and most people don't want to run a fridge so they rely on your cafe.
I work at similar size company. Basically they are like most companies building out the next 5 years while also keeping the lights on at four nines. There can be a lot of depth to product that you dont see. Anyone who says "why you need X people" often havn't tried a side hussle where you see 360 all the activities involved.
Building at scale without racking up big bill and hitting SLAs require a decent amount of effort.