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this shouldn't come as any surprise, these kind of techniques have been used in law enforcement at a HUMINT level for many years. We've applied data science and high level computation to create better results...I don't take sides in this conflict, when both sides sees the other as the embodiment of evil by default killing them is doing essential good. the conflict is inevitable and will never end so long as both sides think this way. The truly sad part is how close they were to a real peace before Oct 7th.

The early emergence of "Better Living thru Chemistry" societies that emerged on the early drug internet in places like "The Shroomery" where DreadPirateRoberts (silk road founder) got his start as "Altoid" there growing mushrooms. I had some personal interactions there with him when I was in my early twenties (2005-2007) and he was on an elite level of psychedelic mushroom cultivators among the community. Eventually after interacting with certain personalities on "The Shroomery" and displaying some of my early attempts at cultivating Amazonian strains which were quite successful but the scale was tiny in comparison to most...I saw the emergence of what would become the silk road start to emerge.

First it started out as trusted members of the community trading drugs thru the mail without ever bringing money into the equation. Usually thru secretive methods using the mail system. But eventually it did evolve specifically between TheDreadPirate & another personality from Vegas (I wont mention names) Heroin and other drugs started being sold among the small trusted groups. As well as Japanese members contributing some odd but fun drugs they could get in Japan that we simply couldn't here in the US. I recall them "inducting" me into the club by sending me hermetically sealed packages of pure Xanax powder & Phenobarbital.

Fortunately at that point in my life I had moved away from opiate abuse otherwise I may have fallen in deep with them. But when the beginnings of the silk road begin to emerge as basically word of mouth deals between trusted members I withdrew from the community. I had learned what I wanted which was to grow my own psilocybin in small personal amounts basically in order to use once or twice a year for spiritual journeys really to help myself overcome my previous opiate addiction.

So when the heroin and other things started to flow I stopped engaging with them. It was a wild time and I know it sounds crazy for me to say I had personal interactions with TheDreadPirate but I knew him then as "Altoid" and as an elite mushroom grower and he mentored me.

But he had picked up a philosophy that emerged there at the same time I mentioned before "Better living thru chemistry" which was mainly basically a group that thought if all of us Opiate users could openly and easily access them we could in fact operate as better human beings. And personally I still believe its true, opiates helped me overcome my social anxiety but the addiction aspect was the part that really hurt the community but the idea that we could somehow create a community where the idea of running out would never again become a reality.

But as I grew I realized the benefits of opiates are far surpassed by sane controlled used of amphetamines & other substances like 2CI or 2CB (derivatives of MDMA) you could truly elevate your thinking. There were times when I practiced this that I would be hit by what I can only explain as lightning bolts of knowledge that gave me understandings of extremely complex sciences that I had no previous education or reason to suddenly understand. Some of the most profound moments in my intellectual journey came from those strikes of bolts of intelligence emerging from a place I cannot explain. You'd suddenly understand quantum physics and have theories that to this day hold up. I remember after one such event writing 65 pages in my journal about the quantum wave decoherence before which I had no understanding of. I still to this day have theories I made during those events that I still believe are very profound.

One such example which may sound like insane rambling but I called it the theory cyberizing the brain breaking reality as seen in things like ghost in the shell. Imagine a future where we have a cyberbrain...an AI creation that lives in the cloud and is essentially a clone of your brain but functions in a way that simply carries out your unconscious will. Combine that with a cyberized brain, you could in theory adjust your conscious perception of time to milliseconds and lower. What would happen if you reduced that perception so low that you get close to absolute zero ( the point at which atoms even stop moving ). What happens then? In your perception of reality you'd be perceiving things so quickly or slowly that eventually everything around you would stop...simply because your sampling reality in time frames so small that the world appears to stop. What happens at this point? Does reality then become the result of two possibilities....A. something happens in the real world in real time that nudges you back to real time in which you stay in your current reality or does B. everything ceases and at this point does reality split into a new universe where that nudge never happened?

I believe the race to cyberizing the brain is to answer questions like these? If you could slow your sample rate of reality to such a point of even atoms cease to move what then happens?

I believe that the answer to brain computer interfacing is the very idea addressed in ghost in the shell....the hard question of BCI is the fact that we cannot biological equal the rates of which computers can transfer data but with the introduction of a cyberbrain...a clone of your brain that carries your will within cyberspace...is the answer this is where we could build the interface between the computer and our brain. The AI governing the cyber-brain can exchange information at the rate of computing and that cyber-brain can also transfer that information back into your physically modified brain. Thus solving the computing rate vs brain computation rates.

These are the kinds of things we explored during these early times in those forums and why TheDreadPirate started the silk road. Bc he truly believed that proper use of the proper substances could give us insight into things our naturally operating brain cannot.

He wasn't a bad guy at the beginning but he lost the vision and the money and power took hold.

Its truly sad that those communities have largely evaded to private groups that don't allow outsiders in bc we were on the frontier of discovering things about human physiology and consciousness that hadn't been explored before or since.

So I used ChatGPT yesterday at length for the first time. I was asking open ended questions like...how can I use my new server to help my studies in cyber security. After 6 question and answer's I actually got some pretty useful, actionable ideas. Now given there's admittedly randomness there but as a tool to give your general idea's some substance I found it useful.

After you use it a bit longer, you'll get both good answers and also some strangely bad answers given with a totally straight face.

I just asked now ChatGPT to give me a reference on interpreters and compilers, and then I refined the question to specify Python. The first answer gave me the "Dragon Book". The second answer invented two books. The funny thing is that the authors of the two imaginary books are actual people.

  Q: do you know of any reference for interpreters and compilers that uses Python ? 

  A: Yes, "Python Compiler and Interpreter Fundamentals" by Arun Tigeraniya is a good reference for learning about interpreters and compilers using Python. This book provides an introduction to the basics of compilers and interpreters, and covers topics such as lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization, using Python code examples.

  Another resource is "Writing a Compiler in Python" by Sridhar Ratnakumar, which is an in-depth tutorial that guides you through the process of writing a simple compiler in Python, starting with a lexer, moving on to a parser, and finally producing the output code.

  Both of these resources provide a good introduction to the subject and should be a helpful starting point for anyone interested in learning about compilers and interpreters using Python.

I am an novice mycologist and I just find it ridiculous that theres people out there picking mushrooms, cooking and eating them without ever having the knowledge of the species of mushrooms that grow in their region. Anyone picking and eating mushys without knowning the harmful species in their regions are simply asking for it. Do it and its only a matter of time before you or your app make a mistake and you end up in the hospital or a coffin. But regardless I'll break down the best practices in identifying mushys.

1. When ID'ing mushrooms look for 3 points of comparison. Never go on one comparison. Any good mushy ID's will document size shape color smell bruising color.

2. Use more than 1 set of eyes. Just because your convinced doesn't mean your right. Post pictures to a forum and get some other eyes on the specimen and make sure your ID is confirmed.

3. From my experience the best place to start and ID is the medium its growing in. Soil Wood Excreta Moist Dry Sunny Time of Day. Find as many points of comparison as possible and when in doubt DONT EAT THE GD THING!

Mushroom advice you get on the internet should only be used by people who also get legal advice on the Internet.

any idea what other models run the same system?

any idea what models also use this system?

Check It -- : ) "gpt-3 was never real, openai has faked all its output by simulating it with a large language model"

- Joscha Bach 16 May 2022


I've ran a multitude of linux distro's on the 980, 860, and 860 pro for the last few years with no issues. 48 hours ago I finished buildning a Ryzen 5800x system on an ROG Strix B450-F motherboard and I've had no issues booting with the 980 & 860 Pro...860 Pro is a 2.5 SSD the rest are m2.

so crazy to see this story, I lived on Patrick Henry Army Base in Heidelberg for several years and there was a great skatepark in Leipzig I basically lived at. good times...

this reminds of a recent story I heard about on my favorite podcast (last podcast on the left - true crime, ufo, conspiracy, something for everyone) about an Aussie with the legit last name of assman, he was denied for a license plate with basically the exact same response as the one you see in these comms.

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