Right now the UI runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux but you can only capture system calls on Linux via Falco libs[1]. Expanding local capture to include macOS and Windows is definitely something we'd love to do!
Awesome! Thanks for your work on this and everything else.
Once you add capture on macOS with something like dtrace, could you concievably capture a system call inside Docker on macOS and watch it trickle down through the linux hypervisor and then to the host darwin kernel and back?
How does it conceptually track the handoff of system calls between hypervisors/VMs/containers/etc?
In this case you would presumably have a capture file that contained syscall events at both the macOS boundary and at the Linux VM boundary. At the present time it would be like capturing traffic on either side of a firewall and loading it into Wireshark (which is something people do!) You'd have to correlate the events visually/manually but adding an automatic correlation feature is well within the realm of possibility.
Because 1989 China didn't have the knowhow and industrial capability to reverse engineer, copy and manufacture your cutting edge HW designs and then undercut you, so there was no risk in publishing your know-how out in the open.
It's no coincidence the rise of Huawei coincided with the fall of Nortel.
I recently saw a tech youtuber from my home country review a bootleg iPhone 15 Pro Max, and it was very difficult to tell them apart HW wise unless you really knew what to look for.
Same with bootleg AirPods Pros, they even automatically connect to your genuine iPhone when you flip open their case, and only with a recent iOS update does the iPhone warn you they are not genuine AirPods Pros. Insane.
Good, that's a free, efficient market. If airpods cost $22 to make, they shouldn't sell them for $200. If you do, don't be surprised when someone sells them for $60. The whole reason they manufacture in China in the first place is to avoid paying livable wages in a free society that has environmental protection laws. Screw them.
This video is Russian, but you can discard voice. It's pirate copy of iPhone 14. I couldn't tell the difference, at least from that video. That's really lot of effort gone to copy. Those who did that really deserve a respect.
Yes, same how a lot of fancy non-state-sponsored malware is developed by russian/chinese/iranian hackers. Obviously those skills could be put to much better use for good causes than bootlegging iPhones or writing malware, but that's what happens when you're born in a country with no good honest economic opportunities: crime is much more lucrative as no matter how smart and hard working you are, the local legal jobs and business opportunities are still shit.
> I couldn't tell the difference, at least from that video.
Here's an easy giveaway - the bottom bezel isn't symmetrical in width.
Getting uniform bezels requires flexible OLED screens (and a few other oled adjectives I've forgotten), and all this is much harder to engineer and a fair bit more expensive. So far other than Apple, only Samsung and Google Pixels appear to be capable of having uniform bezels.
>Here's an easy giveaway - the bottom bezel isn't symmetrical in width.
Sure, but they're not designed to fool those who already owned a recent iPhone, but to fool those that never owned a recent iPhone and are just buying their first iPhone now which so are easily fooled if they only get to play with it for a couple of minutes in a parking lot somewhere, before handing over the cash.
It's how this scam works in developing countries. You buy bootleg iPhones from Alibaba for $150 and sell them for $800 in a parking lot to a clueless dude looking to buy his first iPhone who can't afford the $1400 sticker price because that's way more than his monthly wage.
That's understandable and very likely true, HN has nearly a 100% rate of tech geeks/nerds compared to the real world. However at least in some places in India it's often implicitly understood that such a phone sold below market cost is some kind of fake or refurb or b/c stock etc.
I pulled those sales prices out of my ass as I don't follow second hand iPhone market prices but the real world scammers do and they make sure to advertise the correct market prices in line with genuine second hand iPhones, to not look suspicious as being too good to be true.
I haven't ever written or participated in anything political or controversial through any of my google accounts over more than 15 years I've had them. I'm beginning to reach the same conclusion as you on the matter.
The technology isn’t the problem, it’s us. Our primitive instincts just aren’t compatible to deal with such big groups of other people anonymous or not.
Just use it weekly and let the stove run hot an hour more after you’re done if there’s any hint of moistness in the wood. It’s better to never turn the heat off immediately after using. I’m a finn and the thing looks very proper with the harvia stove and all
This is such a great tip! Thank you!! I think this will make a big difference and I can't believe I haven't been doing this. I do run a dehumidifier in my basement where the sauna is located, but I think keeping the heat on for an hour after is a game changer for longevity.
A couple of the things that surprised me when I got my sauna was how gross it is. For me, I am lucky its a personal sauna. I sweat everywhere. And people think of saunas and they think of a spa, but its a workout and mental challenge for me every single time.
I would recommend to move it outside as there’s probably not enough ventilation for it to dry between uses. The sweat should vaporize without trace almost within minutes when the stove is hot. It doesn’t need cover outside and can handle rain and snow no problem. Just don’t let it get buried in snow for extended periods of time. The possible electric connections need to be protected from water though.
The sweat does vaporize, but I still think keeping it hot helps to clean it maybe? I also like the smell of a hot sauna. The main reason I don't do that and I run the dehumidifier is that I like to flip the power off to the sauna at the panel when I am done, just in case. The dehumidifier is heavy duty fwiw.
Sounds good then! I'd try running it hot after use -trick to see if it makes any difference. You could probably get good 50 years of use out of it if you treat the wooden parts inside with oil such as [1]. The sauna should be extremely dry before treating it and you can do that by running it couple of hours hot without using. The oil needs to be non toxic and non water soluble so high temperatures won't vaporize any toxins from it to your breathing air. It deepens the color of the wood a bit but should look even better.
Always shower beforehand, sit on a towel or a tissue, afterwards rinse the benches with some water. Wash the sauna more properly a few times a year or so.
It sounds like it's too hot if it's a workout and a mental challenge every time. It should be mostly relaxing. Get out when it starts getting painful.
Yes, it can be gross. Thats why there are rules in public saunas, like shower before. Use a towel. Shower after before jumping into the cold basin, ...
That's still a big chunk of new code you need to write only to throw it away a few years later. Even with just a handful of developers for a year or two that's still millions your throwing away, meanwhile you're developing this Electron thing for the Mac anyway so using that for a few years instead has zero cost.