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Couldn't agree more! Yet, the companies still continue to hire those experts and dump on us the issues when things goes wrong. I'd at least two times at the same company, the CEO called me and want me to fix things built by the experts!

The problem is many politicians who have power to change it or remove such person are dirty and to keep their mandates, prefer to not talk or do anything about it! On the other side the current voters are brain washed or manipulated through presents during the elections to vote in someone, so it'll be a long journey to reverts things here.

Yeah, this is basically a conflict of interest! Force someone to act because something is forced upon another.

It's allowed if the app doesn't change the main purpose based on the review process! In the past, I'd worked with a company which makes whitelabel apps for churches and does use codepush to fix bugs and implement small improvements, so through codepush the company can not change the app to be about casino games.

Yeah, buy from AliExpress is good if you search right! Many things from there are crap, indeed, but many others are pretty good!

It's a pitty! On the other hand If someone scraps the website to preserve as history, they'll go after and will apply a DMCA takedown.

Once not long enough, I'd worked on 4 projects which was literally copied from the first made and changed parts of the customers and internal users according to each use of it. So, the main problem is bugs found in one project was found on the other 3 and I'd to fix the same bug!

Codebases like this or from the OP is cool to learn how to not do certain things.

It's interesting! On my tablet I'd managed to install Lineage on it and will try to make a view for access homeassistant.

But nice job ;)

It's a common problem. On a previous job, I'd found one unauthenticated endpoint just because I want to add some integration tests on it and my tests failed! After that, I'd created a script which lists all endpoints and curl each one with invalid credentials and expecting them to return 401.

I'd the same problem and thinking a little bit, maybe a browser extension integrated with LLMs and services like betula?

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