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Nice and very precise. I was expecting controls to be less reactive.

This cannot be a coincidence

(Neon engineer) It is a coincidence :) I had to confirm internally too.

Thank you OP, without you I would never have been able to reach $1000 in MRR and brag about it

There is something wrong with the order of operations. When I type 2+2*2-6 i get -6 which should be 0.

I would think this might be the first unit test one would write for a calculator program.

Yep, this should be evaluated as `(- (+ 2 (* 2 2)) 6)`

It looks like APL order? Right-to-left.

No. It’s not right to left. It’s just weird:

  3 ^ 1 * 2   6
  3 ^ 1 / 2   1.73205
  3 ^ 1 + 2   5
  3 ^ 1 - 2   1


Oh there's more:

9 - 3 ^ 2 = 0

9 -3 ^ 2 = 18 ???

pi = 3.1415926536

2 pi = 5.1415926536 ???

sin(3.1415926536 radians) = -0

sin(pi radians) = Incompatible units ???

Seems to assume + if an arithmetic operator is missing?

This is correct, the idea is that you can type things like "6 foot 3 inches" and have it evaluate as an addition. But the example shown above is definitely a problem, I'll try to think of a work around.

I'd think that rule only makes sense after a symbol representing a unit (including potentially 6'3"). Certainly <number> <named constant> should logically assume multiplication.

The core features are pretty much universal and used in a lot of apps (chats, forums, git repositories, project management). Custom flavors maybe not rendered correctly at times but this doesn't make documents unreadable

The core features used in a lot of apps include different flavors, like GitHub Markdown and others. The closest thing you have to a unified Markdown is CommonMark and even that is forked for GFM. Yes, headers, bold and italics text, and lists are nice but there is a lot more to take into account when you are trying to supplement docs that other extensions add.

There are plenty of great OSS that looks great but they are often backed or owned by a real company and not just a community project. Gitlab, Firefox, VLC, Blender, VScode or BBB, Jitsi Meet for videoconference...

Most of the projects you listed, aren't developed in the `Bazaar` environment. They have a complete team with managers, designers and developers working full time in cohesion. They are cathedrals, who open sourced the product.

They explicitly said it will be maintained but they will not be any new features. It's not the same as a project with no commit for three years... I think this post is a bit over the top and shouldn't be required but, I agree, clear communication in OSS librairies is important.

Wait this is not new is it ? Ive beenm using it for the past 6 months at least...

The linked article was posted on January 6th, 2020. For some reason many people received an email about it today. Must have just been a soft rollout and now they are starting to actually publicize the feature?

Yeah, I've been able to use it for months (FF on Mac)... Was it rolled out to certain computers for testing before?

Same here. FF on Mac. I’ve been using it since lockdown began in the UK in March. It’s been really handy to keep BBC News in the corner of the screen when the Government was doing daily briefings.

Firefox on Ubuntu here, also for months at least - don't remember when exactly though.

In France current prices are around 7$/gallon (1.6€/L)

This could make a good Narcos season.

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