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Untrusted by Google is what most laypeople will get out of it.

The others will probably follow

Google is still equivalent to the Web for a lot of laypeople.

Sounds like a opportunity to create a LLM to interact with their LLM.

how about a dsl that does exactly that?

USDA Pomological Collection is another set if you want to see the fruiting bodies.


You can change the resolution in System Settings->Displays, make it so the entire display is below the notch.

The thing is, I really like the thin bezel, but why has the notch to be so massively big? The camera hole looks like it's just about 3..4 millimeters in diameter.

PS: also looking around, there seem to be plenty of laptops with thin display bezel and no notch, if others can do it, why not Apple?

> PS: also looking around, there seem to be plenty of laptops with thin display bezel and no notch, if others can do it, why not Apple?

Because those laptops have worse webcams.

You don't have to agree with the tradeoff Apple made, in fact I don't, but I think the reasoning is pretty clear.

Most of those other laptops have asymmetric bezels, which Apple was probably trying to avoid. They wanted thin bezels on all edges.

The extra room in the notch is likely there in case they want to change webcam parts to something larger, add Face ID, etc so they don’t also have to change the display panel and can continue to use existing stock.

Apple seems to like to try to avoid changing parts/tooling wherever possible and will go as far as to awkwardly keep using a chassis until stock of that part has been exhausted if necessary (see the 13” M1 Touch Bar MBP).

> Most of those other laptops have asymmetric bezels, which Apple was probably trying to avoid. They wanted thin bezels on all edges.

Yeah, I'm thinking firing Johnny Ive wasn't enough.

There’s like four different things in the notch. Not just a camera. Plus some recessed screw holes to mount it.

The notch feels weird, but when I try to redesign it without sacrificing features, I can’t come up with a better option. …Not that I’m a brilliant designer by any means.

Not really? There's a webcam, an indicator LED, an ambient light sensor, and a lot of empty space. As far as I can tell, the MacBook notch is wide just to make it look like the iPhone notch.


There is also the mounting hardware. It’s not an unreasonable size for what it contains. If they were to really redesign the module they might shave a little off of it but how impactful would that reduction really be?

They probably set the notch size with some margin too, so they could develop the camera module and LCD at the same time.

> The MacBook notch is wide just to make it look like the iPhone notch.

I'm convinced this is true, at least partially.

The iPhone notch is branding and a visual differentiator from the competition, which is Apple's forte, and carrying over that very distinctive design element to other product lines seems right in Apple's playbook.

In other words: glass slab in your hand? Who knows. Glass slab with a black notch? iPhone.

Person typing on metallic laptop in a cafe? Who knows. Ah, but the screen has a notch? MacBook.

It is extremely hidden, but here's how you access all available resolutions, including the ones which work below the notch:


Alot of cars do have a governor limiting the top speed, 115 and 155 are common. This is mostly because you need to look at every part of the car to know that is could go that fast. Car manufacturers limit it so the tires won't blow out for example.

But why are you working on a project? If it isn't for the money then you are doing it to 'give back to the community'. But if they are turning hostile to you then why continue?

Who is "they"? In the UBO threads I've seen there are about a hundred supportive comments for every entitled dickhead - if that's enough to make you characterise the community as "turning hostile" then you are unlikely to ever be satisfied. Bad and inconsiderate people exist. The sensible thing to do is just ignore them.

> "The sensible thing to do is just ignore them."

I tend to go one step further than "ignore mode" (when I'm not bein' so utterly stupid as to get sucked in and actually respond) and actively block them any and every way that I can so that I never see that person's crap again.

Because you want to see that sort of project exist and if no one else is doing it, why not yourself? That's why I work on (certain) projects anyway, not for any community support or for money.

> "Because you want to see that sort of project exist and if no one else is doing it, why not yourself?"

That right there was my understanding of how most open source projects come into existence. Building a thing because it's a thing you want, and it don't yet exist in the form you're seeking, so ... "I'll just make it myself!" Then you throw it out into the world, because "Hey, why not?"

The current CAFE calculations include the FOOTPRINT of the vehicle, giving bigger vehicles lower mpg rates to pass regulations. It makes a strong incentive to keep trucks big, as more efficient engines are hard to make.

Truly the calculation is quite odd, the formula includes the Natural Log to the power of the footprint of the vehicle.


When I first heard the term 'fiat money system' I thought it was talking about bitcoin. The value exists because some crypto guy says it exists. That is the very definition of fiat.

After when I was corrected that they were talking about real currency my first thought was oh, this is a grift. Only scammers try to reverse the meaning of words like this.

The term fiat currency predates crypto by a truly substantial amount of time, it describes an idea which is as old as currency. There is no reversal of meaning, fiat is from Latin ‘let it be done’ it’s value is by decree.

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