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The Arch wiki is really good for things like this, and is hardly Arch specific (other than package names).

Searching "YubiKey" brings me here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/YubiKey#Linux_user_authenti.... It seems to describe your exact use case.

Of course it has a lot of info about Wayland vs. X too, etc.

To be fair, he did say it was "pretty novel"...

Nitpick but a project can be finished and feature complete and still be "pretty novel in how it works". The solution is what's novel in that sentence.

Not OP, but I use Aegis [1] for 2FA which can create encrypted backups. They're synced automatically to my NextCloud instance with the NextCloud app.

[1] https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis

Turing Complete[0] is a fun game similar to this where you create your own computer from NAND gates, including your own assembly language.

[0] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1444480/Turing_Complete/

> They don't have a permissive license


> and are generally very rude.

Any examples of this?

I updated my original comment.

I recently switched to Kagi, and this feature ensures that I can never go back to Google or DDG.

Not having pinterest show up for every search I do is incredible (but should really be a basic feature of any search engine...).

>"lilys.ai wants to see text and images copied to the clipboard"

That's cute... No thanks :)

This is neat! Is there a list of simple DIY hardware projects somewhere? I have a 3D printer and a bunch of microcontrollers laying around that don't get much use.

Can't help you with a list.

But https://hackaday.com/ features sometimes nice DIY project, I often also see them popping up on youtube. But you might be able to find some if you search on 3D printing websites such as https://www.printables.com/

Hackaday also has their .io community site which has tons of (uncurated) projects: https://hackaday.io/discover

Similar videos about cars:

Chevrolet Suspension (1938): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej7CRAIGXow

How Differential Steering Works (1937): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYAw79386WI

How A Transmission Works (1936): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLtS4VUcvQ

And as a bonus, an explanation about transistors from 1953: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9xUQWo4vN0

> And as a bonus, an explanation about transistors from 1953

And here is a 1959 video from the same source about wave behavior [1].

It covers reflection from open and closed ends, superposition, standing waves and resonance, impedance mismatching, and tapered-section transformers all in a way that makes it really easy to understand.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DovunOxlY1k

I remember watching this studying for my Extra license and it really helped!

My favorite old explainer video, telephone switching (1951): https://youtu.be/xZePwin92cI

About the Strowager Switch, which was invented by an undertaker who was fed up with the local telephone operators whom he suspected of diverting phone calls to his competitor.

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