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Super interesting you guys have been working on this since 2020 if I'm reading the post title correctly? Would love to know the iterations you've gone through.

It would be hard to count. Basically every customer we had on Release 1.0 was an iteration towards this. If you go to https://release.com it's there and we have many happy customers using it. There are definitely challenges with that business, however, that made us look for easier ways to get people using the platform we had built. People looking to do ephemeral environments have a lift to move their environment definitions into Release and it's a work effort that needs prioritization. Release.ai is built on the same platform and because AI frameworks are more turn key than bespoke software stacks companies have been building on, we believe Release.ai will be easier to adopt. In the long run AI applications and traditional web applications are going to merge and we think we're the platform that will do that in the long run. Long story short, hundreds of iterations.

Like Together.ai but a bit late to the market I suppose.

Seems like classic Microsoft to me.

I really like what I’m seeing with moon, it seems very light weight but powerful. Although little immature.

This is amazing and a project I always thought about doing! Inspired by MUD servers back in the day that were open source and community maintained. Super happy to see this.

Maybe I'm dense but I learned nothing from this link. What was the actual flaw?

This might be a better post. Brian's original email is here.


> In the course of using this feature in the `jextract` project, we did learn quite a few things we didn’t already know, and this was conclusive enough that it has motivated us to adjust our approach in this feature. Specifically, the role of processors is “outsized” to the value they offer, and, after further exploration, we now believe it is possible to achieve the goals of the feature without an explicit “processor” abstraction at all! This is a very positive development.

My Summary:

- nothing to do with the choice of backslash vs dollar. Doubles down on dollar being bad (due to backward and cross compat with other languages)

- original choice to use "Template Processors" misguided, reverses course to StringTemplate Literals

- this requires a new paradigm where APIs now need to explicitly support StringTemplates, instead of relying on the Processor to convert them into Strings as necessary (big leap in my logic here)

- StringTemplates are explicitly still not Strings. This is in line with their "Security Focus First"

- sensitive APIs that depend on StringTemplates should explicitly treat their interpolated results carefully through overloads in a sensitive context.

Obviously I don't know much about the `jextract` project but I can guess 1 possible way this breaks the security concept is if you use the wrong Processor to pass into a Db.query method, for example.

    db.query(STR."select * from users where id = \{id};");
This way, you can still do it, but its just much harder to do. Or as an API developer you could deprecate your String overload and insist only on StringTemplate usage from now on.

    db.query("select * from users where id = \{id};"); // this is compiled as a StringTemplate

    db.query("select * from users where id = \"" + id "\""); // this is still a String, and it's still bad, but can be mitigated by deprecating Stringm method
Disclaimer: i haven't done java in nearly 10 years... i just love theorycrafting. So take my contribution with a pinch of salt please :)

That's actually a really clever mechanism. Although it'll make the common case (basic string interpolation, no need for security concerns) more complicated unless a lot of APIs support a StringTemplate overload.

This could be supported with String constructor with StringTemplate overload.

    String str = new String("Hello \{name}");
OR just add a .interpolate() function

    String str = "Hello \{name}".interpolate(); // verbose
    String str = "Hello \{name}".join(); // less verbose, but less representative
OR probably at the bottom of the list of recommendations

    String str = "Hello \{name}".toString() // matches StringBuilder behaviour
Knowing Java devs, also a non-zero chance it becomes

    String str = "Hello \{name}".toUnsafeString()
Quoting Brian:

> shed to be painted (but please, not right now.).

I think he's referring to this discussion: https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/amber-spec-experts/2024-A...

Thanks! We've changed the top link to that from https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8329949, which is mostly just a pointer.

It's not just you. My reading is that the flaw was toxic Java users made the developers feel so bad about the feature that they canceled it out of spite. I'm almost certain that's not what it was but that's the only information in there.

Yeah lots of bikeshedding over \ instead of $ was just really unnecessary.

Is anyone surprised? Everybody and their mother has a script for Adderall in the tech industry (wider I’m sure). In the city I’m from it’s common industry knowledge which guys to go see for an easy prescription.

I said this in another thread, but I predict overdiagnosis of ADHD (as a mechanism to get access to Adderall) will come to lights as one of the biggest scandals of our time.

As someone with pretty strong ADHD (who was extremely hyperactive as a kid) I truly cannot understand why anyone without ADHD would take these stimulants. They must want to torture themselves.

Last I checked, ~5% of the population suffers from ADHD.

You bet. Relatively convenient[0] access to online docs is literally a lifesaver to me. The medicine is best described as “tolerable”. It lets me function normally so it’s well worth the minor adverse reactions. Damned if I’d take it if I didn’t need it, though.

[0]Mine requires regular video call checkins. As per law, we need to physically visit once a year or so. The original diagnostic visit was as thorough as I’d have expected from a traditional office visit. The main difference is that this doc was easy enough to book an appointment with that I could schedule one while dealing with ADHD. I might not have followed through if I had to wait 6 months and take an afternoon off to visit in person first.

I have the opposite reaction — I'm not surprised at all!

The short-term benefits seem really high. And ADHD sits at one end of a normal distribution — lots of people suffer from elements of it, particularly when doing solitary work which requires lots of concentration.

I can't follow. It shoots your energy levels through the roof, makes even the hardest task a breeze and can be the difference between barely getting along and having a rockstar career

Can you expand on what you mean by energy levels? The stuff put me in an intolerable zombie not-tired-not-awake state when I was prescribed it. I think the technical term is somnolence? It’s a very common problem for people who take the medication for ADHD instead of recreation.

This sounds like standard reaction to ADHD medication for someone that has ADHD, and usually point where you fiddle with the dose and release-mechanism with your psych, untill you get best results with fewest drawbacks, modulo pareto efficiency and all that.

But if you managed to accomodate yourself to just be able to actually rest to a usable state ... more power to you, and I would like to hear more!

I do have a feeling that if I exercised daily, and slept well for 8 hours every night ... I might not need that boost from those meds. But the meds do keep me more organized so that I am actually managing at least the sleep thing? Unless I take them too late? Trade-offs everywhere :D

I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of two and I was born in 1988... Never once has any stimulant medication that I have been prescribed "shoots my energy level through the roof, makes even the hardest task a breeze, can be the difference between barely getting along and having a rockstar career"

You know what it does for me? Makes me about 500% more functional than I am without my medication... Which is to say 90% as functional as someone without ADHD. I can take a shower. I don't immediately get frustrated with day-to-day tasks.

Please, stop taking my life saving medication to give yourself a fucking edge.

I am "officially diagnosed" and have (or had) a prescription. But I know the strange battleground of "I have it but you don't" well

>Please, stop taking my life saving medication to give yourself a fucking edge.

On what basis? Does him taking your "life saving medication" somehow make it less effective for you? Or are you concerned that if normal people take for performance enhancing reasons that'll cause the government to crack down and impact you negatively? If that's the case, shouldn't your ire be directed at the government for instituting said crackdown, rather than adults making decisions for themselves?

There’ve been significant shortages that made prescriptions hard to fill. That raises special challenges for the people who need it for daily functioning. The mechanisms required to patiently track down inventory to get their prescription filled are the ones people with ADHD are having trouble with.

Imagine if asthma medicine became so trendy that you had to hike up a mountain to get it. Great. If I could do that, I wouldn’t need the medicine in the first place.

It's absolutely frustrating every single month. Sometimes I have to make sure to have a week or more of extra medication just to have enough medication to manage my executive functioning well enough to be able to stay on top of the pharmacy so I can get my medication that manages my executive functioning.

I liken it more to a shortage of insulin and everything the diabetic can eat screws with their blood sugar horribly because that's how society kind of works for someone with ADHD and executive functioning. Everything is frustrating, everything is waiting, everyone seems so fucking slow (and it's not their fault you have to give people grace), everything basically "drains the tank".

I have to work with my doctor and the pharmacy in order to adjust my prescription so I could be prescribed the right kind of medication that works for me that also jives nicely with what the pharmacy inventory gets and I also have to make sure none of this looks like drug-seeking behavior so I have to talk with full disclosure with my doctor and be very forthright with frustrations. It's been a nightmare since the shortage happened. And if I didn't have other people in my life that care, I wouldn't be able to handle any of it on my own especially during the months when getting my prescription was more than just the next day after my prescription runs out usually.

I feel this in my bones.

So, uh, one time I mentioned to my doc that sometimes my meds were wearing thin by lunchtime. He wrote for another 15 pills that month so that I could break some in half for an additional half dose at noon. (I’m on a low dose of my stuff. Adding another half wasn’t a Dopesick jump or anything.)

Turns out, because ADHD I often forgot to take the afternoon dose and ended up with a couple weeks of buffer. That was a nice outcome on its own.

You can blame the government policies and DEA's stringent rules, and I agree, but if they are going to limit it, maybe it'd be nice if the people who DO need it to function and not just so they can ace their finals in college, actually get it first.

Both are true. Neither will happen. So... yay society.

Diminishing returns on that though, and it comes at a cost to your physical and emotional health.

Sure, but certainly not torture - going by how many people are using those drugs

I take Ritalin which is not the same. Dosing is subjective obviously but a lower dose has been a game changer for me. Super-powered now. But Adderall has significant downside right?

I've had a script for ADHD meds most of my life. Without them I daydream constantly. My parents thought I had a hearing problem because they would talk to me and I wouldn't know what they said because I was day dreaming.

I've had both adderall and ritalin scripts (both long and short term variations). I'm convinced that adderall is prescribe incorrectly. It is the most effective medication by far (there is one other that is basically meth, but nobody gets it), but it is significantly more prone to addiction and abuse. It's also harder on the body and brain. Many countries won't normally prescribe adderall for ADHD and they are getting along just fine. As an extreme example, and one I don't agree with, in Japan possessing adderall is illegal but they still prescribe ritalin.

Adderall should have been seen as a last resort medication. Like a doctor prescribing ketamine to help with your depression. Instead you can get an adderall script if you tell your doctor ritalin isn't working on your second visit.

Same here - I've only ever taken Methylphenidate ("ritalin")

For people who have ADHD it tends to have the opposite effect. I'm not officially dx'd, but in the past...

I'm pretty sure I have ADHD (the test I took which was a standardized test has me on the low end of ADHD)... I've tried some stimulants and it is almost like your brain is so wired, the the drugs over-saturate it and exceeds a threshold and causes a sort of "crash"...

My regular doc has me on Clonidine because "BMI" (they don't want me to Belushi/Farley myself). Clonidine only helps with slowing my brain down, but doesn't help with the focus the way stimulants should (in theory). I'm still as unfocused but just slower, mentally. Which can be good, mind; and it helped my STRESS level during an insane level at work, but not really with focus or motivation issues.

In terms of stimulants I've had in my life: Caffeine - usual addict (I drink two 240 mg energy drinks, maybe three a day. Wen I was an alcoholic and drinking heavy I would drink 4 cans a day - thankfully I'm no longer drinking and reduced my caffeine)

Ephedrine - as a teen, when it was legal (pre-2000s sudafed ban - when you could buy it in gas stations under the name mini-thins (which I think now are just... shitty caffeine pills last I heard)). I would get all tingly (like weak MDMA physical effects, but no real mental effects) I would crash hard shortly after, just fall asleep, when the drug was still in my system (e.g. most people wouldn't have crashed/fallen asleep)

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)- A coworker whose son had ADHD gave me some back in the early 00s. I tried both a lower and regular dose, both knocked me out. I was hoping for this magical "boost" - and maybe it wasn't the right med, and maybe it wasn't the right dose. IDK, I don't think I'd want that, because my understanding is Adderall is more effective (it's meth, where ritalin is more similar to the cocaine molecular structure - anyone please correct that if wrong it's been ages since I read up on this stuff).

MDMA in the past. This one doesn't knock me out, but it's also extra-serotonin goodness, and the rush is very nice (I bet if I took a lower/micro-dose of MDMA it would be more like Ritalin and Ephedrine) - and this was back in the 90s when MDMA was good - sold by Sammy the Bull Gravano on a mass scale, and you knew it was pretty pure (except the one time someone obviously sold me DXM which is 100% NOT MDMA LOL)

I currently take Venlafaxine, which also helps my focus very very slightly. It reduces my anxiety, which is why I take it, and in the same way Clonidine helps slow me down, so does Venlafaxine. It doesn't help me focus, it just slows me down.

So energy levels it is different for at least some people with ADHD (in fact it's funny - my friend shared a link the other day about this effect saying "if you get tired after stimulants like this, you have adhd" (maybe it didn't say tired, but the gist was the same). Looking up info - it says 2-6% of people may get tired instead (I assumed this was everyone with ADHD, but maybe it's a subset of them, then).

I only WISH I had the chance to be rx'd and TRY the damn stuff. It may not work, but at least give me a chance. I'm overweight yes, but my ticker is good. And I understand with alcoholism my "potential" for abuse is there (but I have no desire for opioids even though I've had them for medication).

The whole thing is rotten, how we manage it, how our society is built, and the demands placed on us (it's gotten worse the past 20 years, every job wants you to be 10 jobs at once). The only way TO be in this society is ADHD multitasking wizard, who can only activate for the bossman under extreme duress, and have no volition on their own, and struggle because of it.

I guess they take it for the same reason you do. The effects aren't really different in people with ADHD vs people without [0]

> I cannot tell you how much literature there is trying to convince you that Adderall will not help healthy people, nor how consistently college students disprove every word of it every finals season. That makes “only give Adderall to people with ADHD” a moral judgment, not a medical one. Adderall doesn’t “cure” the “disease” of ADHD, at least not in the same way penicillin cures syphilis. Adderall will give everyone better concentration, and we’ve judged that it’s okay for people with terrible concentration to use it to overcome their handicap

[0] https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/12/28/adderall-risks-much-mo...

It gives me euphoria, motivation and confidence. How is that torture?

What about the medication is torture? I'm not familiar with people's experience with them

Roughly, based on my and other friends with ADHD medication compared to friends that I can't confirm or deny might have sampled from our prescriptions.

Ritalin with ADHD: You get tired a.f. to the point of doubting if you got correct medication, because it was supposed to be stimulant but then you realise, that despite the feeling, you can actually just do stuff. You feel calm. You might experience the previously unfathomable "I hate doing this, but it needs to be done, so I might as well", without needing the stars to align, you just do it. After few hours this stops and you actually need to go lay down. Then you spent several months with your doctor getting the dose right, because needing to lie down after 4 hours is annoying

Ritalin without ADHD: Feels like super-coffee: more energy, more optimism. But not more focus. Actually, maybe less focus? Might help you zoom around your house doing chores, but not really tackling any sort of deep thinking work.

This matches experience of some acquaintance that went to a party, and might have sampled certain crystals, got quiet and tired while and while others were happy and energetic.

For both - dosage is tricky, and it is easy to get you to spiral into anxiety. Also, it is not good for your heart.

Ritalin: ‘holy shit I just did some proper project management and it didn’t take a day of torture’

That's interesting, thanks for answering. I hadn't heard people describe the tiredness effect, I had assumed it would be the same as for non-ADHD people.

It's got a lot of very varied side effects. You'll find different people with very different answers, but then again for many it's still a better result than not taking it.

if you’re normal, stimulants make you feel like a god (at first). adrenaline and dopamine pumping through you, you feel on point and like you can take on the world.

I predict people generations hence will look upon Adderall and Tech the same way those of us today look back upon Tea and the British Empire.

Recently migrated a vim script mess to Lua and got what a breath of fresh air it is.

I predict that over prescription of ADHD medication in the US is going to viewed as a massive public health misstep in 40 years.

Even if your prediction is correct, the immediate benefits in day-to-day life for people with ADHD cannot be overlooked.

Thus far, the only serious side effects I’m aware of are:

* A slight increase in cardiovascular-related conditions in the first few years after starting stimulant medication. This can be mitigated to a large extent by not using stimulants if your resting heart rate or blood pressure are already elevated.

* An increased risk of manic episodes for people already predisposed to bipolar disorder, again, for stimulant medications. If someone in your family has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, don’t use a stimulant to treat ADHD.

Here’s [0] a meta-study on the subject.

[0]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6697582/

People have been predicting this for 40 years already so any day now I guess?

Acknowledging that this is a pedantic correction: I think that there will be an acknowledgement of over diagnosis of ADHD. First line treatments are what they are.

But also that, in tandem, there will be acknowledgement of under diagnosis of Type 1 Autism. Precisely because it is so diagnostically evasive "and can mimic ADHD". However, the correction that I'd make of the quoted phrase is that, likely, inattentive ADHD wholly is misdiagnosed Type 1 Autism in my opinion. And that ADHD will come to be seen as Spectrum disorder, for which certain manifestations (ie: not inattentive) do not necessarily crossover with the Autism part of the (soon to be wider) Spectrum.

How that might look, in families, is that those with non-autistic ADHD individuals could be observed to more often contain autistic individuals.

See, for example:


That makes sense to me. My psych and therapist both told me that there is a lot of crossover in symptoms between ADHD and Autism. Anecdotally, my sister has long maintained that I’m on the spectrum.

Why did they use a creepy AI generated child for the hero image?

We all have uninformed opinions.

ADHD medication is heavily heavily under-prescribed. It's genocide.

I think that’s more a statement about the weakness of their position than it is about Deutsche Welt’s reporting in this case.

This is a good point. If a reporter chooses to only mention in passing that the protest is about polluting drinking water then that means that drinking water pollution must not be a big deal

The article should have expanded on those points knowing that the reader would likely question this.

It means the reporter thinks the claim of drinking water pollution isn’t a big deal.

Reporters, like software engineers, have a broad range of competency. It’s hard to draw firm conclusions from their editorial choices.

Pedantipoint but it's Deutsche Welle.

They are protesting because:

1. Construction will require clearcutting forest.

2. The factory will use large amounts of water and is being built in a region where water is scarce.

3. The factory will use solvents and paints which can cause groundwater pollution.

4. The local population is opposed to construction on environmental grounds, yet it seems construction will proceed anyway.

Of course, there are also people who are opposed to Tesla or the car industry in general, for both good and foolish reasons. I'd wager Musk being an outspoken anti-Semite and Nazi sympathizer doesn't go over well in Germany.

It's shitty reporting, plain and simple. Even Wired got it right.

Yep, water looks to be a huge issue. The video(https://vimeo.com/938795435) in this article(https://unicornriot.ninja/2024/teslastoppen-elon-musks-water...) helped me better understand what's going on.

> the factory used almost 450,000 cubic meters of water, while it is licensed to use up to 1.8 million cubic meters, equivalent to the water consumption of a city with a population of 40,000 people.

> residents will only be allowed to use 105 liters of water per person per day, while the national average use is 128 liters per day.

>1. They dislike Tesla in general because it's controlled by an anti-Semite and Nazi sympathizer.

This sort of casual slander reveals more about your viewpoint than it does about the protestors, or Elon.

Did they actually said this on their answer tho?

What is the issue with cutting down trees when you can always plant more?

What is the issue with not making more Tesla factories?

Economic growth, competition, more EVs? If they plant the trees elsewhere, it's fine.

Why are chefs baking bread? There's buildings to construct.

People who refuse to continuously integrate new life experience and prefer to idle under one prestige title or two until they die are wild.

Feels a lot like rent seeking.

It’s a bit Middle Ages; god king has said this man is named Farmer, so he shall farm for life. A monolithic person.

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