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The form components like input, select, etc should be directly drag-gable with responsiveness in it.

On the side panel, there should be config option for each form input, like placeholder, validation, etc

This is the basic every form builder offers.

like setting staging, pre prod or prod

I’m interested in High-Frequency Trading (HFT) using algorithms, starting with basic trading algorithms like RSI Divergence and Arbitrage. I’m utilizing the Binance API to retrieve ticker data. If anyone has experience with this or is interested, I’d love to connect and discuss.

Would you like to recommend any resource?

Kind of depends what exactly you're trying to learn, but if you're working up to ML/AI, then there's How to get from high school math to cutting-edge ML/AI from last week: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41276675

This is really interesting but it seems too good to be true.

You’re going to reply that it’s not for everyone, but you’ll have nothing positive to say about the audience for whom this is a bad fit, which is also a suspicious form of generalization. It’s kind of like how the chatbots and for that matter most online learning resources give the psychic feeling of learning.

What exactly is too good to be true? The idea that there's a path of knowledge leading from high school math to cutting-edge ML/AI?

It seems impolite to make up your opponent's argument and then make commentary about it. Maybe let them respond?

I've been looking at this textbook for awhile. Very, very basics to calculus: https://www.amazon.com/Foundation-Maths-Dr-Anthony-Croft/dp/.... I wish there was a table of contents available

I’m interested in data structures and algorithms, particularly those related to mathematics. If you have any relevant materials or resources, I would greatly appreciate them.

Could you please describe it?

one possible approach: linux multi-boot usb drive: http://github.com/adi1090x/uGRUB

I want Public IP not the local network IP.

const userIP = req.ip || req.connection.remoteAddress || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'];

Their public IP is how they reach your server, unless you're on the same computer or local network as them. Are you? It's not clear from your post where Node is running relative to your user.

The workflow goes like this: I’m working on a React application where users make API requests and send data. I need to capture the user’s public IP address before storing the data. Currently, my method returns the local IP address, but I need the public IP address instead.

I'm still not sure if this is what you're asking, but have you already tried checking `req.headers['x-forwarded-for']`? Normally node just knows the incoming request IP (that's how it was reached to begin with), but if you're behind another server or proxy, sometimes the original IP gets forwarded instead.

If that's not what you're asking... can you please clarify your client-server architecture (if there even is one?)

Where is Node running? Is it on an internet-facing server, acting as a backend? Or are you doing some sort of local desktop app? Is Node using its own http systems to act as a server, or is there some other web server or reverse proxy running in front of it?

Is React running on the client's browser, separate from Node altogether? Or are you using React on the backend too (like in Next or similar)?


are u a robot? or simply answer whatever comes to mind without reading the question?

Is it a free material or to I need to buy it?

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