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I'm much older and have been through similar symptoms, and 3 surgeries ( shoulder, knee). I know you said your health insurance is not great- but if possible find a doctor specializing in Sports Medicine if your primary care physician cannot find a reason other than poor posture/overuse.

I clicked on the link at the top for the designer "Lynn Fisher", it took me to https://lynnandtonic.com/ and I discovered something by chance. I had my Chrome window open with the dev tools and was resizing it, and noticed the logo of a person walking up/down a street depending on which way you resize it. Very cool.

Oh never noticed this one, I probably would try to mimic this in a simpler environment over the weekend, maybe a ball rolling over the street or spaceship flying over earth !

It seems to only work in chrome, and resizing horizontally

Lovely detail! Thank you for pointing this out!

With references in the background to Daria!

I don't get the drama either. The issue I have with CSS is less about the spec itself, and more about browser compatibility. I'd be dead with caniuse.com and MDN. Having said that, when I build a new page, I rarely need to spend more time laying out the html & css than it takes to type it out and test. Creating cross platform, responsive web pages is a solved problem now.

To add to the woes of the publishing industry, a lot of sales are lost due to piracy. $300MM a year for the US alone (per a 2019 article).


> according to data from the Authors Guild

Despite the narrative that copyright holders in every industry like to push, a pirated copy is not equal to a lost sale. Their actual losses are likely a small fraction of that number.

Is the thinking that the person who pirated it was never going to buy it anyways?

They may or may not have bought it, but the calculations of "lost sales" assume that 100% of them would have bought it at full price, which is absurd. I'd wager it is closer to 10%.

In my lifetime I've easily bought 100x more books used than new, which (from their perspective) is economically indistinguishable from piracy. Any of those "lost sales" estimates strike me as entirely bogus.

Now if only I could buy just the one show I want to watch, and not pay for the entire month.

I spend quite a bit on cloud, and despite that I would not spend my time setting up my servers/firewalls /auth .. Just not worth the time.

I wish I had applied when the sessions were still remote. Can't leave my fam for 3 months(I'm on the east coast)

In many ways, it feels the same to me. Specially alarming to me is that some of my friends, who have no idea how LLMS & AI work, are seriously considering investing in it. The barrier to entry is quite low, and getting lower. Almost all the models out there can be used cheaply via API - millions of tokens/words processed for less than a few hundred dollars (if that much). For those willing to spend the time, services like replicate, anyscale are even cheaper. Basically, anyone who can call an API & feed it data, can get into the "AI" business. And they are.

I assign certain days in a week, (and sometimes hours in a day) to my different personas. I only plan out a few days at a time in advance. I just dump these on my calendar as events. Aside from a few unexpected events (like a bot attack that ruined last week for me), its been working well enough.

I like this approach, especially for systems that don't immediately require scaling to millions of users. I use MySQL with the 'SKIP LOCKED' option for my queues. I recognize that this method may not scale indefinitely, but it negates the need to add new infrastructure across all environments, saving on costs and devops effort. I've intentionally designed the event sending and receiving code to be abstract, ensuring that if the need to switch systems arises, it should be a reasonably manageable task.

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