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> How the heck is this not criminal fraud?

It probably is; however, it's probably also not being enforced, since no government agency in the US seems to have the teeth or the will to protect consumer rights to the level they are elsewhere.

Also, when they do get a bit too willing, their regulatory activities get shut down or their funding cut because they become a little too visible in the public eye (who has a negative view of government agencies and federal employees in general). Very few government agencies have the courage to take actions that might end up on Washington Post etc.

Index it to CPI and that'll be that.

> I’m not in a high risk group and I personally won’t change my behaviour because of this, just as I didn’t for Ebola or Polio.

That's irrelevant.

> If the real work is done remotely then the work done at office isn't as important.

If the real work is done, remotely or at work, then importance is irrelevant.

> Any person in their right mind will


Hahahah! You saw that, too, eh? ;)

Humanity as a whole is clearly not "in their right mind". :(

You will surely get the data by this time next year.

If you survive.

> because that way counting is much more unambiguous: dead is dead

Unrealistically low death stats coming from Turkey compared to cases easily refute that argument.

Dead is dead, unless the state finds a way to claim that it was not a COVID19 dead.

No. Not unless. You misunderstand what all cause mortality means. The state can count COVID19 deaths as all bungee-jumping related the number still shows up in the total death rate. If you know what is the usual statistic you can show if there is an effect.

This is what “dead is dead” mean. One can argue what should count as a COVID19 case, and how exactly we are counting. There is a lot less argument over who is dead and who is not.

> You misunderstand what all cause mortality means.

It seems I actually missed the mention of "all-cause" while reading the comment.

a family member who is a doctor at a hospital told me that any patient that dies of a respiratory illness is being marked as covid19 even if they were never tested for it. dead truly means dead. dead by covid19 does not.

> Dead is dead, unless the state finds a way to claim that it was not a COVID19 dead.

It's just a matter of demanding tests to declare as a COVID death and do not providing enough tests.

Brazil, for example, has an artificially low count of cases due to the lack of tests and a similarly low number of deaths. However, cases of death by "pneumonia", generic types of SARS and "unexplained respiratory diseases" skyrocketed: https://oglobo.globo.com/sociedade/coronavirus/alem-da-covid...

This has occurred in many countries and will presumably be part of way the final impact is finally measured. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/21/world/coronav...

I would add that it doesn't have to be a malicious government purposefully undercounting. It's very easy to undercount or misdiagnose even with competent and well meaning people. Specifically every pneumonia death, heart attack, stroke is a potential undercount, and people aren't "bad people" or evil for making the wrong conclusion about the ultimate cause, especially when testing is less available and frequent than it should be. Also I have heard that there are a significant number of people dying of COVID19 in their homes and that those are more likely to be undercounted vs. a death in a hospital.

I said "dead is dead" in relation to all cause (not "only covid") mortality figures.

I saw it just now. My apologies.

Or the other way around, someone who dies in a car crash but tests positive could count as a COVID death.

I wonder what the impact of this will be on AMD.

From these,

> ... I ended up ... neither a zero-day ...

> Realizing everyone in the class would fail, the professor changed the grade of this project to only account for 30% of the grade.

> I ... disregarding the rest of the busy work for the class.

It sounds like OP could not find a zero day (old_grade=0) and did not do any other homework (new_grade=0), therefore should have received max(0, 0), but received a C.

> I mentioned bugs and lack of testing in a polite way, also offered how test system could be designed to automate testing.

Did the same a while ago, with my CEO. Instantly removed from overseeing the biggest project we have in the works. Also removed from all communications about the project and privileges to view project-related documents revoked.

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