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Am I missing something? Is it not just a glorified fitness tracker? I can certainly understand privacy concerns but I don't get how a smart watch is the signifier of a 'broken' world.

It's also a phone. Parents are demanding the right to say last goodbyes to their children during school shootings.

While I agree, depending on where you're staying, 'aparthotels' (hotels where rooms have little kitchens) are becoming increasingly widespread and affordable - can be a good alternative to Airbnb for long stays in many cases.

Indeed. I haven't looked too much into this particular site, but I don't really see the utility of this kind of service in most large Western cities. I've rented in Zurich and am looking for somewhere in Munich - unless your budget is particularly high, it's very much a matter of just taking whatever you can get. From what I've heard, this is the case in many/most large American cities too.

Agreed. UK tabloids are an absolute blight. I wouldn't generally advocate for the censorship of reporting on such a case, but if it's going to happen, then tabloid 'newspapers' would be at the top of the list of organisations to restrict.

> absolute blight

Not absolute. They have exposed plenty of truths over the decades. A blight, for sure.

True...but telling which of their "truths" are actually true can be truly difficult.

It seems like a very odd decision. It's not like OpenAI can't afford to develop versions of the application for each OS in parallel.

It was clear to me that that's what they wanted to express but their chosen visuals didn't convey that well at all. Expanding outwards from the iPad would have made a lot more sense.

You might be interested in taking a look at OCaml's extensible sum types which may straddle the line in the way you're describing.

That is not a proper alternative to real pattern matching.

I've yet to have decaf that tastes as good as the regular stuff unfortunately.

I don't see why std::optional being a monad is implied to be a bad/confusing thing? It would be significantly more awkward to use without any monadic operations on offer.

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