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Those are not credible sources.

From the theinteldrop link: "several sources within the Russian military and defense industry told the newspaper Izvestia on Saturday"

From the sputnikglobe link: "Moscow-based military expert Alexey Leonkov told Sputnik"

What makes these sources not credible in your mind? I have not observed them reporting anything incorrectly. They are citing military experts who know the technical capabilities of these weapons and defense systems. If you want to refute what they say, show how a slower Patriot missile could target and intercept a much faster mach 5 missile. It is basic physics without getting deeply into rocket science.

"Military experts" != engineers and physicists (usually).

My weather app of choice is Today Weather. Its UI strikes a good balance between being informative and clean looking (and it can be customized a bit too)


That's true, but there are a lot of places where ids live, but where I can't add `user-select: all`. For example, in terminal (logs), Studio3t (db client) etc.

I find double click to select word, triple to select line or buffer, in surprisingly many contexts. Does this work for you?

The whole point of this article is that double-click to select a word doesn't work with a UUID... though, I think this should just be fixed: I have XTerm set up where double clicking selects a word, triple clicking selects a filename (which can include a hyphen, but not a slash), quadruple clicking selects a URL or path, and quintuple clicking selects the rest of the line.

The workaround I've landed on is double-click and hold, then drag in the correct direction. Precise enough to just grab the UUID, imprecise enough to be quick and not annoying

A lot of terminals let you adjust the characters that break words. I’ve always configured my terminals and editors to treat `-` as a word character.

This is what I use, because it works almost everywhere almost exactly the same way, even when quite a lot else doesn’t have that quality. I similarly use long-press+slide for very similar behavior on iOS (although that has much more variance in behavior across apps, and sometimes even within the same app).

Adding clicks is not ideal, many people already have some troubles with double clicks (because they can't be fast enough, or it hurts), triple click is already harder.

Also more than 3 clicks starts taking a considerable about of time.

OK, right, yeah, they might have some word-break config that would need touching up. Thanks.

Now replace the double click, desktop, interaction, with press and hold, touch screen. I don't know of any triple click interaction that maps to a simplistic touch screen interaction.

Are there any disadvantages to using transactions with a single-instance replica set?

We run a single instance replica set for three years in a small application for its transaction function.

The only difference we noticed is the additional replica set setting for a new instance. No other disadvantages are found.

Maybe read up where the Ukraine grain was destined to begin with[1].

It's really sad that over the last two years the once serious bloomberg became another mouthpiece of war propaganda.

[1] https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/wheat/reporte...

There's a nodejs version which takes 23s


How come node performed this good? Any specific reason?

Could you suggest some of those automatic tools?

Yes, next/image which is part of Next.js Framework </irony>

The meaning is different though. Brands convey intent, UserId brand would allow only other UserId brands, but with string literal types "any" type that matches 'user_${string}' will do

I don't know what political speech means to you.

Are you aware that Ukraine engaged in an existential war? Gonzalo Lira was justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine, denying the facts of Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, as well as massacres of civilian Ukrainians by Russian invaders in Bucha and other cities.

Then he was taken into custody because he violated the terms of his bail and tried to escape. Originally meant to be under house arrest in Kharkiv, Lira was detained in another part of Ukraine: Zakarpattia Oblast, where he tried to cross the border into Hungary

There are a number of real journalists in Ukraine investigating big corruption cases, some of which have even resulted in the replacement of the Minister of Defense. These journalists have not faced assassination or imprisonment, although there have been instances of them being pressured in some ways

If a state's continued existence relies on restricting people's fundamental human right to free expression, then that state deserves to die.

What is 'hardcore immigration'? Japan doesn't have to adopt the immigration policies of France or Italy. However, implementing some form of selective immigration with assimilation programs appears to be a potential solution

> However, implementing some form of selective immigration with assimilation programs appears to be a potential solution

This would require not only legislative changes, but also a significant social shift. The broad Japanese society simply does not believe at present in “assimilation”, because it maintains such a strict in-group, out-group separation and the latter simply can never be Japanese in their view. For example, up to the end of the 20th century, Japanese would trust foreigners less the better those foreigners spoke Japanese, because a truly fluent and proficient foreigner would be viewed as confused about his/her ethnic identity or trespassing on something distinct Japanese. This has gradually changed somewhat with the influx of people from other Asian countries who work in kombinis etc., but it still shows the sort of social resistance that advocates for immigration reform are up against.

Indeed, immigration is a challenging path, but the problem is also serious, and I'm not aware of simpler solutions

Why not a solution without immigration? Let's just stop pretending that we need to offshore human factories as well.

What are the possible solutions besides immigration? I'm not really well-versed in this topic, so I'm not aware of other solutions and am asking earnestly

Something bring the birth rate up. The world is losing some genetic diversity as some groups like the Japanese are not passing most of their genetics on.

I have no idea how to get people to have kids though. Some things like child care, time off for kids, and different taxes can be tried, but are they enough?

Perhaps the only correct solution is a combination of methods: selective immigration + programs that make it easier to have children + maybe some state propaganda (state propaganda can be good, though not always is) + other approaches.

When you think about it, it really seems like a gigantic task

It's not really a gigantic task to offer perks for families(i.e better loan rates, childcare services etc)and you don't need any immigration. Of course you need some positive discrimination ajd perhaps propaganda as well. You get propaganda anyway (i.e a while ago we had a lot of war propaganda<i.e on terror>, nowdays we get a lot of LGBTQ propaganda) so it's not "bad" per see as long as it's acknowledged and serves the common good. I would take that over the "we need cheap labour/immigrants with unlimited visa to sustain our economy" propagabda.

The question is will those things work. Will people ignore your perks and propaganda and continue not having kids? I do not know. Finding what actually works might be a gigantic task.

Get rid of retirees. Harakiri part deux

I don't think it would suit retirees, of whom there are many)

Well they are gonna have to do it for the sake of glorious nation of Nippon if they don't want immigrants

USA ships them to Mexico in exchange for cheap labor

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