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I have worked with themes that used Timber and it has its own set of quirks.

I also have an opinion that using things like Timber in WP themes just adds to the inconsistency instead of helping it. Taking over website with Timber when you never heard of it is fun.

I don't want discourage, use what you like. Just my 2 cents.

Our choice for Timber is not about consistency, is about sanity and survival.

This is not obvious from the link but I guess this is posted because of v2 released 3 days ago.

I have been working with Quill v1 not long ago and oh boy it is not good. Pain to make tables work with plugins and weird scrolling issues. Hopefully v2 fixes a lot but I'm sticking with TinyMCE as it is superior in term of features.

I like TinyMCE too and swapped out a Quill editor in its favor 6 months ago. But I was annoyed that you needed an API key to use their static JS in your site and disturbed that they rapidly shrunk free tier "use" of rendering an editor a few days back [0]. Out of curiosity, is that not an issue for you?

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40044544

You can self-host without an API key. Unfortunately they just switched to the GPL license, which may or may not work for you.

Volunteering money doesn't exactly expand social life the op is talking about.

For some social interactions you get from volunteering is why they do it.

I know.

They were just talking about the "efficiency of use of his labor" and I was just trying to point out how to maximize it.

I switched a while ago to DDG and about a year ago to Startpage and both are good enough.

It was sure hard to get used to because of presumption that Google has better results but after a while you don't care anymore and find what you're looking for anyway.

Startpage uses Google search results.

>Startpage delivers Google search results via our proprietary personal data protection technology.

(source: https://www.startpage.com/en/ )

> DDG and about a year ago to Startpage

do they have their own search infra?

I tried it recently as well as P2P based apps like https://www.sharedrop.io/ but it doesn't work great for large files (> 500MB). The speed decreases the longer the transfer takes.

I have to try if it is the same case with Payload.

I personally don't like this move but seeing a lot other companies standing against Russia and applying similar "sanctions" makes me think they are doing this just for PR.

I'm absolutely not saying they shouldn't do anything to show support for Ukraine but a simple short sentence or small banner somewhere would be much better instead.

> I rather think of vaccination as a responsibility toward your fellow citizens, rather than a "choice".

I don't understand this argument. Maybe I'm being ignorant or childish but since when do we live in a world that as a person you have to be responsible for "fellow citizens".

Don't get me wrong I don't mean we shouldn't be nice or care about other people but no one owe me anything and I don't owe anybody anything. Don't we all learn that in life at some point?

I get the COVID is dangerous and vaccines help but don't put me responsible for you.

For starters I would want my government to change the narrative. They should do their own independent research and present their own facts. Instead they blindly buy vaccines from US and repeat the agenda as everyone else.

There is way too much politics involved. Pandemic should make people naturally empathic not forced by their governments to blindly obey.

Here are a few screenshots of go and php: https://sizeof.cat/post/twitch-leaks/.

WARNING: do not click the link, copy it and paste it in new tab.


They check the referrer, see it's from HN and redirect to an image instead.

So by copy + paste into a new tab, it will lose the HN referrer.

on firefox, disabling referrer means you won't see the image

    network.http.sendRefererHeader = 0

If vaccines are accessible to poor people leading to more vacinnated populus, why are vaccine passports needed?

I'm not anti-vax but I don't understand why people think vaccines are going to solve everything, isn't covid here to stay? why make it another control measure?

It primarily comes down to resources and cost.

Right now in Ontario 80% of covid cases are coming from non fully vaccinated individuals(1).

It costs $23k to treat a covid patient and $50k if they reach the ICU(2). Chances of not landing in the ICU are 99.9% if you're fully vaccinated(3).

Many health resources are going to treat covid instead of things like elective surgeries. Allowing non-essential businesses to fully open without a vaccine passport will only lead to more cases and more resources being wasted.

The thought of getting injured right now is scary because I could wait years for something like a herniated disc surgery (which is very debilitating). I'd much prefer we take steps to take as much strain off the health system as we can.

1 - https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-logs-600-new-covid-19-cas...

2 - https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/cihi-covid19-canada-hospital-...

3 - https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/31/health/fully-vaccinated-peopl...

> The thought of getting injured right now is scary because I could wait years for something like a herniated disc surgery (which is very debilitating).

And yet how much do you pay year after year for healthcare via taxes?

> And yet how much do you pay year after year for healthcare via taxes?

11.5% of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP). $265.5 billion, or $ 7064 per person. Imagine that will go up with covid...


I'm also from Canada. We pay the same amount despite the fact that we are in mid-pandemic. Therefore resources are allotted to dealing with the large number of Covid cases that end up in ICU.

This isn't a case of being "short changed" with our taxes. This is a case of large groups of people needlessly filling the emergency wards when there are clearer options that are easier on the population as a whole.

This is my general take.

The goalposts sure seem to be shifting around Covid. At first it was merely "Flatten the curve" and now we're talking about much larger societal policy decisions, with no clear objective or aim.

Frankly - If the US was a person, I'd say we're having a severe allergic reaction. The response is worse than the disease. On both sides of the political spectrum we're seeing a tendency towards authoritarian controls and in-group/out-group dynamics, and I have a sinking feeling it's not going to end well.


None of that means you personally shouldn't get vaccinated. I'd strongly suggest it, and wish we'd had a vaccine earlier - I lost both of my grandmothers to covid.

But we've clearly lost touch with how to actually talk with a person you don't agree with - and since neither side has any real discourse with the other, we're reverting to control measures that I don't think are good for democracy.

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