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Using Github Copilot helps me stay in the 'flow'; most of the time, I'm in my IDE, solving problems, and writing code.

Read this book: Object Thinking, David West

Scalene new release includes AI-powered optimization suggestions with OpenAI.

I think another difference is Engineering has a history of rationality and mathematics behinds it. In my opinion computer programming (in most cases) is something like novel writing and includes many creative/non-reproducible problem solving works (art?). I prefer to not refer myself as engineer because of that hidden semantic assumptions that comes with the word. Instead because of popularity of rational thinking many software developers like to categorize themselves as engineers. (more about this: Object Thinking by David West)

Object Thinking by David West

The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It. But Is It Already Too Late? by Alan Kay https://videocast.nih.gov/Summary.asp?Live=28442&bhcp=1

Kay begins at 4:00.

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