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Imagine a Beowulf cluster of these.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

You forgot to say First Post!

Bluefin has been my daily driver for over a year now. Love the community of people just trying to make Linux awesome on the desktop. I'm happy to answer questions about the project too.

> Love the community of people just trying to make Linux awesome on the desktop

Couldn’t agree more with this! :)

I’d be curious to know what aspects you enjoy about Bluefin that has you using it over, say, stock Fedora Silverblue (especially any features that may not be mentioned in the OP)?

> Love the community of people just trying to make Linux awesome on the desktop

What are the best places to hang out to follow along?

There's a discourse forum if you're into async, or there's a Discord server for more up-to-the-minute updates. Along with the github repos to track bugs, feature requests, and see how the project is made.

take your pick :)

Discourse: https://universal-blue.discourse.group/ Discord: https://universal-blue.org/mission/ (link on left side, click discord) GitHub: https://github.com/ublue-os/

yes! I've been using the nightly for a few weeks now and this is as close to the perfect terminal as I've found. I love the integration with containers, I do next to nothing on the host itself, instead using Distrobox and Incus. Prompt makes that delightful.

Looks interesting, but why aren’t they dogfooding it? the attached blog is powered by Notion.

It’s another one of my projects, holocron wasn’t ready when I made the blog

Good eye! Those scripts are not used anymore, they were early prototypes. You can see the comments in the PR here: https://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/pull/606#issue-195447621...

Even if the particular script is not used, the just file there is actually much worse.

Literally everything is running scripts directly from the internet, without any version pinning or check summing.

There is no way to run the same build twice and have any confidence that the result was the same.


Nice, looks like you're headed in a good direction with this!

Thank you!

You know they're a for-profit company, right?

this looks awesome, can't wait to try it out.

(fleek author here) Fleek is a simplified wrapper around Nix Home-Manager, which is used to install and configure the apps that make up your $HOME and shell environment.

This is what I love about Hacker News: post about a random tool I found, and the author shows up! :-)

I came across your blog (and from that, Fleek) as I'm rebuilding my home WSL setup, and I just want a simple way to destroy and rebuild my distros and move my installed apps easily. Would Fleek be a good use-case for this?

very much so, that's how I use it. Especially if you want your dotfiles/configs to come with it.

We built Bluefin - https://ublue.it for just this case. A custom version of Silverblue, primed for Nix with Devbox + Fleek global profiles.

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