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I’m not commenting on this way or another, but if we went to UBI, what would the incentive be for me to work, presuming a basic income is suitable to raise my family on in safe, clean housing, and also presuming that the resources to implement a UBI will be extracted from people like me whose labor is more valuable?

Wanting more than the bare minimum, I imagine.

It’s like how QRs can be abused to appear like certain images, just a little stunt on top of the implementation

What’s next, a shadow of a 3d-printed save icon?

Amazingly weird

There’s a huge difference between rationally evaluating risk and how we feel about risk. Just because I rationally understand and choose a certain set of risks, doesn’t mean I can necessarily make myself feel good or even okay about them. Even a small or inconsequential amount of risk can be really scary if the potential bad outcome is really bad.

Sounds like a good way to save someone from severe alcohol poisoning. Not sure I see much of a point otherwise, tbh.

Some folks, like myself, love the taste of a peaty whiskey, but have bodies that don't agree with alcohol.

hrm, smoke peat cigarettes instead?

I can’t stand the taste of any alcohol. I literally only consume it for one reason. The intoxicating effect. I get enough to get the job done then stop.

So this gel seems like drinking less booze with extra steps. I do see a use for women and undercover cops though. Or to make people think you are drunker than you are.

Because everyone who isn’t you is a woman or an undercover cop?

They already noted in the article that once it’s passed into your bloodstream this approach is useless. I see it more like being a better form of naltrexone, someone takes it before going on a night out and saves themselves a nasty hangover while getting to party. I’ve always disliked the lack of availability of low alcohol beers in the States (1-2%) and this could be a decent solution for that. As is the easiest thing to do for moderation when going out in the States for me is to do the One On One Off where you alternate between one moderate alcohol drink and one NA drink. It would be more ideal to just pop a pill right before I go out that lets me tailor the level of absorption exactly as I want it.

I was unaware of people using naltrexone for hangover prevention and did a bit of spot research, it seems naltrexone only prevents the buzz/euphoria from alcohol consumption but doesn't prevent impairment or hangover symptoms, such as those caused by dehydration, nor does it prevent liver damage.

If you’ve never taken it before: it reduces cravings too. If your goal is to get drunk, it won’t stop you, but it does help to quell the dopamine beast if that’s not your goal

> someone takes it before going on a night out and saves themselves a nasty hangover while getting to party

But if their way of partying is to get drunk, this gel will prevent them from partying, since getting drunk requires the alcohol to get into your bloodstream.

people with autobrewery syndrome come to mind immediately.

America is in the midst of an extraordinary debt bubble driven by desperate and greedy venture-capitalists.

Frankly, I do not see a justification for this technology at this point. Sure it’s good but nothing is really comparable to an attentive operator when even one multi-thousand pound hunk of deadly steel is hurtling down the road, let alone hundreds and thousands, and lives at stake. It simply is madness.

> Frankly, I do not see a justification for this technology at this point.

Drunks and the drowsy. Sure, they should have called an Uber or chosen not to drive at all. But the road is safer for having that multi-thousand pound hunk of steel steered by a more competent and attentive driver (FSD)

Self driving cars should exist because careless people might not drive safely? That’s interesting. How about we just make it illegal to drive drunk or drowsy?

It already is illegal (certainly to drive under the influence). But consider even someone driving "buzzed" (not "drunk", and maybe not even strictly over the legal limit): is the roadway safer with or without "Full" Self Driving technology?

Surely this is sarcasm. You'd prefer a drunk person getting into a Tesla with FSD vs. an attentive and alert person driving (anything else)? I'm sorry but being drunk and getting behind the wheel, that's an automatic fail. I don't care what you're driving. You shouldn't be behind that wheel in a position of responsibility when you are under the influence. I include 'thinking the Tesla will just handle it' as under the influence.

My point is not that a drunk "should" drive, even with FSD. It's that clearly they do. I know someone personally who drives under the influence frequently despite the legal and material risks. No one thinks this is a good idea.

I would absolutely prefer any driver using FSD, but especially one physically and mentally inhibited by drugs or alcohol.

> I include 'thinking the Tesla will just handle it' as under the influence.

I've commented on this before, but: no one using FSD for even a short period of time is "under the influence" of the branding. The lived experience of the technology is that is amazing and useful, even if it flawed. YMMV

“Some people say” isn’t really good enough evidence to support this claim. It perhaps casts doubt but I wouldn’t consider it trustworthy either.

I tend to think of the database less as a filesystem and more as a block store. The filesystem layer in a real system is in fact implemented by the driver (and OS), and it might be implemented in terms of primitives that are persisted in the block device, but the block device doesn’t have a magical internal scripting language or query engine that the driver delegates to. The driver is in charge, and the persistence layer stores and loads what the driver tells it to.

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