Plenty of videos from both sides indicating that Russians are also using starlink inside Ukraine. Less verifiable are claims that Russia relies heavily on it, with no alternative; while Ukraine at least has some backup communication options available.
But how is that so? Why isn't there some whitelisting process for terminals used inside Ukraine? Or, hell, even analyzing the signal should tell starlink roughly what side and how far from the front it is.. That should have been a massive news story, it's been happening for years already.
But instead we skip straight to the timeline where all pretense of allyship goes out the window. At least EU space/rocket Industry might get a boost of funding out of this all.
> But how is that so? Why isn't there some whitelisting process for terminals used inside Ukraine? Or, hell, even analyzing the signal should tell starlink roughly what side and how far from the front it is.. That should have been a massive news story, it's been happening for years already.
It has been a massive news story, with the commensurate 17.5K upvotes and 2500 replies on Reddit all shouting that this is proof that Musk is pro-Russian. In the real world, whitelisting on this scale is very, very hard. Ukraine has decided that having access to it (and it is 110% required for Ukraine to work as a country) is more valuable than the benefit Russia also gets from it. <>
Everything nominally related to Trump is getting flagged, even comments. Several unrelated comments of mine went from neutral/positive to flagged suddenly. Salty folks, or maybe coordinated, probably a little of both.
Even for leisure, many topics are better served by more timely online options. I certainly read more now than I did before the internet, but that includes only 1 book in the last year.
I hope the families of the dead ask Zelensky these important questions. My conjecture is he was unwilling to take an ego bruise for the sake of his country.
His approval rating went up afterwards. He's representing his country.
Ukrainians have a very bad history with "politicians that bend the knee when the screws are turned on them".
There's only so much lying you should expect the Ukrainians to sit there and take. Trump going on and on about how much Putin wants peace in front of him is just fucking absurd.
Polls are weird. In 2016, the polls strongly suggested Trump would not win.
Ukraine is a war zone under martial law. Informal ratings are likely even less reliable than in more stable place.
Properly administered democratic elections can capture approval. But those were canceled in Ukraine (constitutionally) due to the war and martial law. Their most reliable capture of approval, was canceled!
The 2016 polling margin was off by about 2%. Mattered immensely for who won, but it's a myth that the polls were massively wrong about public opinion. They were highly accurate!
>Polls are weird. In 2016, the polls strongly suggested Trump would not win.
None of the polling suggested that. They suggested Clinton had a 2-3 point popular vote lead. She did in fact have a 2-3 point popular vote lead. It's not the polling's fault that it's measuring something that the US doesn't actually use to select the President.
Outlets that did take state polls into consideration and tried to simulate the electoral vote, namely 538, gave Trump a basically 1/3 chance to win.
Color revolution theory is Putin's paranoid delusion. The US frequently backfired tremendously in such endeavours, and that was when actively arming coups, not something as complicated and subtle as brainwashing a population towards revolution.
For anyone interested in understanding Putin's obsession with ghosts of color, see this excellent video essay:
But how is that so? Why isn't there some whitelisting process for terminals used inside Ukraine? Or, hell, even analyzing the signal should tell starlink roughly what side and how far from the front it is.. That should have been a massive news story, it's been happening for years already.
But instead we skip straight to the timeline where all pretense of allyship goes out the window. At least EU space/rocket Industry might get a boost of funding out of this all.