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I have a Lemur and it's the best laptop I've had- great battery life, everything feels snappy and I haven't had a single issue. Bought it during lockdown as well though, so not much of an argument for their hardware improving.

I think this line is really compelling:

> Chrome OS is Linux based. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux said that Chromebooks might be the way Linux finally wins on Desktop.

I'd love it, but I don't see most non-techie people consciously adopting free software out principle. On the other hand, I reallh can't see how new platform developers like the people behind Android, Chrome OS and the Steam Deck wouldn't choose linux. It's there, customizable and works great.

From that angle, it seems like unless Windows or Apple continue to be the desktop platform of choice indefinitely, (i.e. there won't be any new desktop platforms) something linux based taking market share of the desktop at some point becomes inevitable.

I don't know, assuming you agree with the article's conclusions couldn't you just buy second hand and refurbish when possible?

The article mentions a canadian refurbisher, but I don't think it implies they don't exist elsewhere.

I freaking love this library! It reminds me of a time that I don't even know happened when computers seemed like a scifi possibility come true. So happy to see it on the front page.

One of the coolest things is not just the ability to pipe cat outputs into it, but that it doubles up as a python library- next time you're making a throw away CLI with print outs and prompts, why not make it insanely jazzy?

It's fun for silly stuff, but I've definitely been on enough slow links that I wouldn't put it in a serious tool.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I think it's really cool, but I wouldn't use it as a universal hammer.

I agree, a serious tool should be taking into account the length of the output delay and reducing effects to match the conditions. But you can still do some of it, sometimes.

On the contrary, I am currently scaffolding out the template projects for a new system at $DAYJOB and I'm seriously considering putting it in the CLI tool template.

On the one hand, these tools are going to be used for Serious Business™ but on the other hand... I owe it to 14 year old me. I'll probably add something to allow disabling it with a flag file that can be created with the tool or manually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I love this kind of things the first time I see them but I would hate it in a tool used everyday

./myfancytool -disablefx

./myfancytool -showfx

Or have an "on first run only" configuration that disables it for subsequent usage of the tool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is really cool- I'm excited to dig through the code for this one!

A bunch of the comments talk about using in earnest- at the risk of sounding out of touch, if you want private, offline available notes, what's wrong with text files on a file system?

(I think my question looks sarcastic, but I'm genuinely interested!)

I find that I have a browser open >90% of the time when I'm at the computer. And it's easier to open a new tab instead of opening a new application.

Also I prefer web apps because they are highly customisable. If I don't like something I can modify the source easily.

> So 100% accurate can't be the goal. Obviously the goal is to get the responses to be less obviously stupid.

I'm not sure I agree. I think you're right that 100% accuracy is potentially unfeasable as a realistic aim, but I think the question is how accurate something needs to be in order to be a useful proposition for search.

AI that's as knowledgable as I am is a good achievement and helpful for a lot of use cases, but if I'm searching "What's the capital of Mongilia" someone with averageish knowledge taking a punt with "Maybe Mongoliana City?" is not helpful at all- if I can't trust AI responses to a high degree, I'd much rather just have normal search results showing me other resources I can trust.

Google's bar for justifying adding AI to their search proposition isn't "be better than asking someone on the street", it's "be better than searching google without any AI results"

The problem is that in all the shared examples, Google ai search does not respond with a Maybe xyz, question mark? like you did. It always answers with high confidence and can't seem to navigate any gray area where there are multiple differing opinions or opposing source of truths.

Yeah the "manipulating language cogently is intelligence" premise that underlines this "AI" cycle is proving itself wrong in a grand way.

I should have been more clear. I am referring to Google's goals. Humanity as an abstract concept or you personally may have other goals, but, well, perhaps I am a cynic, but I think Google's goals are rather more monetary and less idealistic than they would represent. They don't want or need (as other replies correctly point out) the AI to always be correct and accurate. Along with general cynicism with regard to any conceivable AI's ability to do that, it is also fair to point out that the web itself doesn't have that ability either. We can't even find an objective yardstick to measure an AI with that way. Google's goal is to make the bad press go away so people use the AI more so that in the indefinite but ideally near future this AI can be monetized somehow to justify the interstellar valuations being ascribed to this technology in the "if it isn't happening in two fiscal quarters or less it might as well not exist" US/Western financial markets.

I use Ecosia (which Bing powered) and wondered why it was down earlier. Makes you realise just how few players there actually are in the search rankings space.

I believe you.com has their own proper search index? Ecosia and duckduckgo exist purely on ad revenue, any good search engine will be paid for in the future, even Google’s non-ad search results make me hesitant, it’s all SEO spam now, plus chatGPT or Gemini can answer nearly any question when you pay for the real service

A lot of the comments mention the AI inclusion from an LLM-is-everywhere point of view. I'm also a little confused about why behaviour like that is in a terminal rather than a shell?

To my mind I just want the terminal to render text and handle input, and then it's my shell's job to define behaviour of commands etc.

I find that a super helpful distinction- what if you like iterm but want a different shell like fish or xonsh? How does the LLM integrate there? Is it still gonna spit out zsh commands?

I'm not an apple user, so maybe I'm missing something abouf iterm?

iTerm2 does a bunch of things with native controls that would not be the same in the shell. E.g. tmux integration allows the windows/panes etc. of a tmux session to show up as actual panes in tmux.

The composer is a small native popup that allows you to edit a command using a native textbox instead of interacting with the terminal, and then send it all at once. The AI stuff hooks into this.

iTerm is a feature-packed terminal emulator that's had shell-integration and various smart features to automatically trigger actions based on the terminal text content for a long time, long before the current AI wave.

That makes sense then! I hadn't realises this about iterm since I've never used it- it seems like a blurring of the lines between shell and terminal that I wouldn't want, but maybe I'm not the target user.

I assumed they were referring to Python which is after javascript arguably the most used language and also known to be one of the slowest.


Honestly though, you could probably take your pick. Javascript is suprisingly fast for such a dynamic intepretted language, but PHP, Python and Ruby are all simultaneously some of the most used languages and the slowest.

Implementations interpret, languages don't; PyPy compiles and is about half the speed of V8. But one should put micro trust in a micro benchmark in general.

You just reminded me that ive not seen jython or ironpython for years…now curious how they fare!

I agree with your main point, but I can't resist pointing out some huge exceptions since there are some mammoth fully open projects like:

- The linux kernel

- Languages (Rust, Python)

- Airflow

- Libre Office

Either way, I think the important thing is knowing why you want something to be open source (do you want to self host? Own your data? Fix bugs? Do you have doubts that the developing company will last long?) Some of those will work great with an open core model, others won't. I think if Linux was "open core" it wouldn't get used at all, that's a lot less true of something like libre office.

All completely valid counter-arguments. In my defence my perspective is very narrow towards only self-hostable open source tools. Like the types you might wanna self-host in a company anywhere between 10 and 200 employees. I don't have any knowledge of, say, open source libraries and how they operate, and the same applies to all of the exceptions you've listed except LibreOffice.

To be even more specific: I was responsible for maintaining three OpenProject installations in three completely different places. One is a small non-profit that couldn't realistically afford anything else, one is a cheap and very poorly-managed for-profit company, and one is a much larger non-profit that ultimately ended up paying for some "better" proprietary solution. The only things I could think of that those three places have in common are: I worked there, and OpenProject was used to some extent, even if only briefly. And it was never because of me! Other people have made that decision, but it was my responsibility to maintain it.

That's why I'm so opinionated in this thread.

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